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Collection of Curiosities: The Thug’s Belt Pouch

Collection of Curiosities: The Thug’s Belt Pouch

"Jiro the Kobold" by Pat LoboykoSo, you just brought a thug to justice. Go you! But what is in that thug’s belt pouch (or otherwise tucked away on this particular unsavory individual)? You can roll randomly for a result below, or use the handy number provided with each entry to figure out your result on a d12. You can also pick the one that works for the area in which your characters currently linger.

d12. Curiosity

  1. A note saying, in what looks like a child’s handwriting, “You’d better stop doing what you’re doing. It’ll get you killed…or worse.”
  2. A fuzzy mint. You’re not sure if the fuzz came from clothing or is a natural part of this particular mint. Curious.
  3. A finger puzzle that requires you to figure out its secret to get unstuck. Someone’s finger is in it, and it’s stained with dried blood. Plus that smell. Eww.
  4. A loaded die made from platinum. It jingles melodically, too. This thug wasn’t a silent stalker at all, apparently.
  5. An illustration of a silver tabby cat with these words on what seems to be a flyer: “Lost kitty. Responds to the name ‘Mankiller.’ Please return to Alda’s Alchemy Shoppe if found. Reward provided—higher if alive. Do not feed or raise from the dead. He bites; wounds will be treated. You kill him, you will be cursed and haunted by something that is utterly unholy and has a somewhat questionable sense of humor.”
  6. A smooth piece of rounded amber that has a human eyeball in it.
  7. Some rouge and kohl, plus a packet of white powder.
  8. Three dried pink-and-blue flowers held together with a braided lock of black and silver hair.
  9. A ball made from clear rubber. If bounced, it hits the ground and shoots into the sky, then explodes in a shower of red sparks.
  10. A packet of dirt that contains three glowing worms.
  11. A list of names. Three have been crossed off. The bottom one has a star next to it.
  12. A scrap of paper that says, “Thank you for dealing with this ‘person.’ For a reward, please visit the Dancing Diva Festhall.” Under those words is a smudged, bright red lip imprint.

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