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Wielding the Arcane Might of the Sorcerer (DnD 5e Class Primer)

What is a DnD Sorcerer? In Dungeons & Dragons, a sorcerer is an arcane spellcaster with innate magical abilities. Rather than learning magic by poring over arcane tomes and memorizing spells, a sorcerer’s magic is an innate part of who they are, waiting to be unlocked. Sorcerers learn how to tap into their inborn powers

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Introducing Players to Roleplaying Games: Teaching Online

Discord Brings People Together The first thing technology can help you with is in finding people for your gaming group. Discord is a fantastic resource for finding new players. Discord is a video, voice, and text messaging social media platform. There, you create a server, which is a set of chat rooms and voice channels

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Mastering the Mechanics: Roll for Initiative

Let’s examine the “rules as written” regarding initiative: “Initiative determines the order of turns during combat. When combat starts, every participant makes a Dexterity check to determine their place in the initiative order. The GM makes one roll for an entire group of identical creatures, so each member of the group acts at the same

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Folk Magic: Items of Everyday Wonder

Bag of Marbles Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement) This small, innocuous-looking leather bag contains glass marbles, and one marble can be removed at a time. When a marble is tossed on the ground, it magically becomes hundreds of marbles that create difficult terrain in a 10-by-10-foot square. Any Large or smaller creature entering or leaving

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Musings from an Empty Tankard: Sibling Rivalry

Here are some ideas on how to rope players into creating shared backstories that add a level of complexity. While players often use group backstory to offer a quick explanation for shared events or why individuals might be accompanying each other in the first place, players and GMs often overlook introducing the complex social and

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