Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Dungeon Tables: Random Encounters at Sea

Coastal/Ocean 2d20 Encounter 2 2d4 sahuagin (75%) or 2d4 sahuagin in the company of a yavalnoi (25%, see Tome of Beasts 2). 3 Tide pools filled with a riot of marine life, including hermit crabs, sea stars, tiny fish, and a purple slime (see Creature Codex). 4 2 kelp drakes (see Tome of Beasts 2),

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The Song Undying: Reborn by the Song, Part 2

Reborn made from the living appear alive, their flesh whole and unblemished with no sign of the decomposition normally associated with undead creatures. However, the taint of the Thrice-Cursed Heart lies heavy on their spirit, corrupting them on the inside and making them cruel, hungry things. Those whose bodies are reformed and raised from the

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Parties of Interest: White Orchid Hunting Lodge

In the years since, Lauritzo has gathered other like-minded individuals, and she gives them a place to gather and gain knowledge, masked as hunting enthusiasts in the basement of her tavern, the Trophy Room. Her partner, the diviner Uthero Iomatti, gathers information from his network of informants and maintains a record of personages requiring services.

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You Find Yourself in a Haunted House: Traps

Whether a windswept manor on the moors, a dilapidated hut outside of town, or a castle on the verge of ruin, haunted locations are ripe areas to introduce backstory, side plots, clues, atmosphere, or some undead bashing. This section introduces suggestions for creating haunted traps, a modified hazard customized for setting off spooky supernatural effects!

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Introducing Players to Roleplaying Games: First Session

The first thing that players need to understand before they play is the idea of playing their part. Before you even begin to explain the rules of the game, they need to understand this. This is what defines roleplaying games as distinct from board games and video games. In a board game, you play as

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