Baby Shark Bowl Ooze

Baby Shark Bowl Ooze

Dr. Megan Connell, the GM for Clinical Roll and a psychologist who uses D&D in her work, sent the Kobolds the following message this morning:

Hello! I had a short story for you I thought you might get a kick out of. In our streamed game Clinical Roll, the party faced the Shark Bowl Ooze, and we added a feature that it could create smaller oolets. One of the players asked if it was a baby shark, and yes of course, now it was a baby shark, and each round it grew into brother shark, then mommy shark, etc. Just a fun play on the monster. I hope you and everyone at KP are doing well and know that your products help bring joy into the gaming world!

Our shark bowl ooze (see Creature Codex) had some baby shark bowl oozes in their game! This was a great reminder of the kind of fun we help bring to tables everywhere.

The VoD of their game can be found here:  (the first baby shark reference happens around the 58-59 minute mark).

For those who may not have seen/heard it, here’s the baby shark video: (be careful, it will get stuck in your head)!

Baby shark oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooze…

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