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Arcane Season 2. Powerful magic items seen in Arcane’s third act!

Arcane Season 2. Powerful magic items seen in Arcane’s third act!

Arcane Season 2’s finale puts on full display the awesome and terrible might hextech and the arcane can have on the world of Runeterra. As the battle for the Hexgates to resist the Glorious Evolution plays out, many powerful relics and inventions are pushed to their absolute limits with the goal of ushering in a new future.

Fabled Items are a unique type of magic item found within the Tales of the Valiant roleplaying game, and explained fully in the Player’s Guide (now on sale!). As your character gains levels, your fabled magic item levels up with you! Here are three fabled Items inspired by some of Arcane’s most impactful creations.

Ekko’s Z-Drive

Wondrous Item, Fabled (5th-Level and Higher Properties Require Attunement) Priceless

“I only need seconds.”

This 1-foot long glass container holds a miniscule arcane anomaly. By pulling a chain on the side of it, you can tap into its magic to briefly affect time. While you are carrying the Z-Drive, you have advantage on initiative rolls.

Shatter Time (Requires Attunement). As your level increases, you gain the following benefits while carrying the Z-Drive.

5th Level. The Z-Drive has 4 charges, which it regains when you complete a long rest. As a bonus action, you can expend 1 charge to cast misty step from it. When you cast it this way, you must appear in a place you have already been this round. It regains all charges at dawn.

9th Level. After you make an attack roll or save, as a reaction you can expend 1 charge and reroll it you must take the new roll.

13th Level. When you use your reaction to reroll an attack roll or save, you do so with advantage.

17th Level. Once per long rest, you can cast time stop from the Z-Drive. In addition, when you use a reaction to reroll an attack roll or save using the Z-Drive, all creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you take 3d8 force damage.

Viktor’s Hexclaw

Wondrous Item, Fabled (5th-Level and Higher Properties Requires Attunement) Priceless

“Do you see? The sublime intersection of order and chaos.”

While carrying the Hexclaw, you are proficient with tinker tools and alchemist tools. In addition, you can cast the mending cantrip.

Glorious Evolution (Requires Attunement). When you attune to this frail, metallic, 3 pronged claw arm, it grafts itself to the center of your back. You can control the hexclaw as you would a regular arm. As your level increases, you gain the following benefits while grafted to the Hexclaw.

5th Level. As a bonus action, you can fire a beam of concentrated arcane energy at a target you can see within 60 feet. Make a ranged spell attack (+5 to hit). On a hit, the target takes 1d8 force or lighting damage (your choice).

9th Level. The hexclaw has 10 charges, which it regains when you complete a long rest. As an action, you can spend charges to do one of the following:

  • Spend 1 charge to activate a magic item you can see within 120 feet as if you were holding it and attuned to it.
  • Cast one of the following spells using INT as the spellcasting ability: gear barrage (2 charges), identify (1 charge), levitate (2 charges), lightning bolt (3 charges), slow (3 charges).

13th Level. The attack bonus for the Hexclaw’s beam attack increases to +10 and its damage increases to 2d8. In addition, you can now take the Use an Object action as a bonus action.

17th Level. Once per long rest, you can cast flesh to stone from the hexclawwithout expending a spell slot using INT as your spellcasting ability. A creature successfully petrified this way becomes a stone golem under your control for 7 days, after which they return to being an inanimate object. You may only have one stone golem under your control at any given time from this item.

Ambessa’s Kaenic Rookern

Wondrous Item, Fabled (5th-Level and Higher Properties Requires Attunement) Priceless

“Through cunning, sweat, and steel, I shape my destiny.”

These small Blackstone runes are bound together on a cord of red cloth. When heated or exposed to magic, the runes glow a bright green. While carrying the Kaenic Rookern, spell attacks made against you have disadvantage.

Runeweave (Requires Attunement). As your level increases, you gain the following benefits while carrying the Kaenic Rookern.

5th Level. When you take the Use an Object action on the Kaenic Rookern, you attach it to a weapon within 5 feet of you or wrap it around your fists. When you hit a creature that is concentrating on a spell with the weapon or unarmed strike that the Kaenic Rookern is attached to, that creature has disadvantage on its concentration check. The Kaenic Rookern remains attached to the weapon or your fists until take the Use an Object action to remove it.

9th Level. You have resistance to force damage. In addition, once per short or long rest, you can cast dispel magic from the rookern.

13th Level. You add your PB to WIS, INT, and CHA saves. You also have advantage on saves made against spells.

17th Level. Once per long rest, as an action, you can cast antimagic field from the rookern. When cast this way, its range increases to a 30-foot radius centered on you. You can regain the ability to cast this spell again earlier by steeping the Kaenic Rookern in fire for 30 continuous minutes.

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about Evan Noone

Evan Noone is an independent TTRPG writer and designer. Whether his storytelling prowess is a gift from his infernal patron, The Imp, or he is the fiend itself remains to be seen. You can explore his collection of TTRPG supplements on DMs Guild or follow him on Bluesky @impgames.bsky.social.

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