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Advanced Feats: The Witch’s Brew, Now Available!

Advanced Feats: The Witch’s Brew, Now Available!

The new witch class for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game isn’t the friendly neighborhood Wiccan you might run into at Whole Foods but a figure of awe and dread that strongly evokes the medieval stories and legends surrounding its name. The class’s rich spell list and near-limitless use of hexes makes the witch a veritable fountain of powerful magic effects and more than a match for any wizard or sorcerer.

Advanced Feats: The Witch’s Brew by Sigfried Trent stirs together 30 new feats and three new builds to help players create vivid and powerful witches full of magic and mystery…

In addition to being a magical powerhouse, the witch is an excellent option for players who like to immerse themselves in roleplaying. With that in mind, many of the feats (such as Craft Magic Tattoo and Seduction) offer great opportunities to bring this mysterious figure of folklore to life in a game.

The book’s three new builds will likewise have roleplayers rubbing their hands in anticipation. The arch-witch specializes in dominating other spellcasters and claiming their secrets. The white witch has the power to punish those who do evil but strives to aid and heal rather than destroy. Unlike—wait for it—the wicked witch who gleefully scourges the deserving with a plethora of nasty offensive powers. We look forward to hearing the cackle, “I’ll get you, my pretty!” at the gaming table.

You can get Advanced Feats: The Witch’s Brew in PDF format at the Kobold Store. Also, check out Advanced Feats: Secrets of the Alchemist—and stay tuned to see which class Sigfried tackles next month!

12 thoughts on “Advanced Feats: The Witch’s Brew, Now Available!”

  1. Sounds tantalizing… But it would have been (I think) even more tantalizing if the article had included an actual example feat.

  2. Can one hope that you’ll eventually do an article like this for all the new PC classes introduced in the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide?

  3. The plan is indeed that I will do one for each of the Advanced Players Guide classes. The others are already in various stages of development. Summoner, my favorite of the new classes is up next.

    I’ll pick out a preview feet and we will get it posted up in the KQ blog here. I can’t format things nicely in these reply boxes.

  4. Interesting, I may need to wait and see if a compilation in print comes about. I know I would gladly pay for a printed version of the two sets together.

  5. If the series sells well, might we see the same treatment for the traditional classes and enventually for the magus?

  6. Benjamin, if the series does well, sure. But right now it’s early days; hard to say whether the interest will grow as each new piece comes out, or wane.

    My bet is clearly that Sigfried’s asskicking work is going to get more and more attention over time.

  7. I picked this up and am so glad I did. My group just started playing the Kingmaker AP and I chose to try out the Witch class. This really will help me round out my character. Great product, if you are going to run a Witch you owe it to yourself to buy it.

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