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Adopt-a-Soldier Update: Your Support Makes a Difference

Adopt-a-Soldier Update: Your Support Makes a Difference

The Adopt-a-Soldier Holiday Contest is still going strong! Civilians and service members are eligible to win some fantastic prizes. We’ve had quite a few civilians enter the contest so far but not a lot of military personnel. So if you’re in the service, this is a great time to sign up for the program—your odds to win are pretty darn good.

If you’ve blogged, podcasted, or twittered about the contest with a link to the kickoff post, your contributions count as an entry. Please leave a comment on that post to let us know, so we don’t miss it…

Last week, Ed Healy talked about the difference that the Adopt-a-Soldier program makes in the lives of soldiers stationed far from home—the difference that your support makes. Here are some of the things we’ve heard from military personnel who signed up for the program:

  • Someone just bought me a subscription to Kobold Quarterly magazine under the Adopt-a-Soldier program! I feel like I won the lottery of geeky D&D magazines.
  • I’m a 30 year old female soldier who’s been in the Army for over 8 years now. I’m a proud mother of a sweet 1 year old girl and a 3 year old boy, both whom I miss very much. Since their dad works full time and cares for them, it doesn’t leave much time for him to write to me, so I don’t really get much mail. It’s okay because our kids come first, but it sure would be nice to get some mail at least every now and then and know that people from home (the USA) care about us even though we’re in the middle of nowhere. Thanks for your support and consideration!—SGT Gail Schnell, US Army
  • I am very impressed that you have a program like this. I miss playing RPGs and miniature games, so your magazine really helps to fill that void. Thank you very much!—SSG Joshua S. Goss, US Army
  • I found this magazine in Kuwait while I was there awaiting movement to Iraq and found a letter about the Adopt-a-Soldier. I think this is a great thing. The magazine has inspired me to start roleplaying again, and since, I have found a group and started creating a new world for us to play in. Thanks again for everything!—SPC Garret Dupont, US Army
  • I just saw your magazine for the first time at the PX and saw something mentioned about an Adopt-a-Soldier program. I think that is a wonderful thing you have going for those of us in the sand over here.—SGT Mason Garner, US Army
  • Thank you for picking up where Dragon left off. I found your magazine for the first time at our BX. I was surprised to see it there! I sadly have no one to play D&D with way over here. But, I love reading your articles and dream of playing again someday. I used to be an active DM for a while and am considering writing some of my old work into source work and submitting it for fun. If I can’t play at least I could help others play, right?—SrA Ian McGonigal, USAF

If you’ve been wondering how you can help brighten someone’s life this holiday season, please consider becoming an Adopt-a-Soldier sponsor. And if you’re in the service, we encourage you to sign up to receive a subscription today!

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