Courier On His Way

Courier On His Way

As one of the freebies we like to do around here, the latest Kobold Courier has gone out! You should find it in your mailbox, if you are a KQ subscriber or an Open Design patron.

This is #4 of the intermittent series, and includes news on RPGs, some background on the new 10’x10′ Toon weekly web comic, a brief PaizoCon summary, links to the newest Pathfinder RPG and 4E D&D content, a special money-back deal for patrons, and even a couple announcements of what Open Design has been up to.

And because we can’t resist, the newsletter also contains a trapped web link, which amuses me no end. Go ahead, click it. We dare you.

If you’d like the newsletter sent to you free of charge, just enter your email address in the black box to the left. We’ll find another courier and send him on his way!

And if you have something you’d like to see in future issues, or a comment pro or con, let me know. I enjoy seeing this little messenger come together, but even more, I’d like to keep it packed with news and full of great game material every time. Let me know how we’re doing!

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