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Gen Con 2016 Schedule for Kobold Press

Gen Con 2016 Schedule for Kobold Press

GenConLogoGoing to Gen Con? Join in at some Kobold Press events. Here’s our schedule.

Event registration opens on May 15th, so you can prepare your wishlists ahead of time. If you find an event sold out, try dropping by the table. Some GMs can accommodate extra players! Our seminars can be popular, so register and please come see what our Kobolds have to say!

We won’t have a booth this year, but we’ll see what we can do for next year!

UPDATE: We added 3 Kobold book signings at the Paizo booth. Steve Winter signs from 11 to noon on Thursday, Wolfgang signs from 11 to noon on Friday, and BOTH Steve and Wolfgang sign from 11 to noon on Saturday.

BOOK SIGNING: Steve Winter, Thursday 11 AM to Noon
Location: Paizo booth 103

Signing Kobold Guides, Rise of Tiamat, and other books! Come say hi.

BOOK SIGNING: Wolfgang Baur, Friday 11 AM to Noon
Location: Paizo booth 103

Signing Dark*Matter, the new Kobold Guide, Hoard of the Dragon Queen, and other books!

BOOK SIGNING: Wolfgang Baur and Steve Winter, Saturday 11 AM to Noon
Location: Paizo booth 103

Signing the new Kobold Guide to Plots & Campaigns, Emerald Spire, Rise of the Runelords, Hoard of the Dragon Queen, and other books!

SEM1694738 Freelancing 101 Panel: How to Break into Game Design Fri @ 9:00 AM
Location: Crowne Plaza :: Grand Central Ballroom C

It looks easy, right? Freelancers and publishers on this panel tell you what REALLY happens and how to improve the odds of breaking into print. Advanced tips for established freelancers, too!

SEM1694739 Brewing Better Worlds Sat @ 9:00 AM
Location: Crowne Plaza :: Grand Central Ballroom A

One of the great joys of RPGs is worldbuilding and setting design, creating villains, nations, and gods. Come learn tips and tricks you can use to impress your players and improve your homebrew world.

SEM1694740 Combatastic: Running Better Battles Sat @ 9:00 AM
Location: Crowne Plaza :: Pennsylvania Stn A

Looking for ways to make your combats quicker, smoother, and more descriptive? The Kobolds will show you how or die trying!

SEM1687145 Real Steel Sat @ 10:00 AM
Location: Crowne Plaza :: Victoria Stn A/B

An experienced, modern-day smith discusses the bladesmithing process, & then offers time for discussion & questions.

SEM1694736 Fantasy Metals: From the Forge to Your Gaming Table Sat @ 11:00 AM
Location: Crowne Plaza :: Victoria Stn A/B

An experienced, modern-day smith discusses metals, alloys, and metallurgy with regard to real world materials and fantasy options and offers time for discussion and questions.

RPG1694777 Midgard: The Smoke of Ancient Fires Thu @ 8:00 AM

RPG1694786 Midgard: The Lairs of Beasts Thu @ 8:00 AM

Face monsters from the new Tome of Beasts in fantastic scenarios from the new Book of Lairs! Pregens provided—how far can you delve into these scenarios and defeat the evil within?

RPG1694789 Midgard: The Lairs of Beasts Fri @ 2:00 PM

RPG1694754 Midgard: A Debt of Blood Thu @ 10:00 AM

On the Rothenian Plain, a dying old woman from a minor clan enlists the party to find her clan and lift the Kariv curse. Can you find the source and end the evil before it taints a new generation?

RPG1694757 Midgard: Raiders of the Chamber of Tomorrows Thu @ 1:00 PM

Intrigue, time-warping artifacts, and the ruins of Thorn—all before lunch. Who opposes the characters as they delve into the tumbling shadows of the former Elvish Imperium?

RPG1694762 Midgard: Madman At the Bridge Thu @ 1:00 PM

Metal screeches through the morning calm as the Puffing Bridge jams and the city is divided until it is restored. In one hour, the miners and merchants will throng the streets, a race against destruction!

RPG1694778 Midgard: The Smoke of Ancient Fires Thu @ 1:00 PM

Most of the town’s warriors sailed out on raids and a town elder has gone missing while preparing for winter. With so many swords gone, searching has fallen to you. What awaits in the Trollheim woods?

RPG1694798 Midgard: Gravebinder’s Daughter Thu @ 1:00 PM

Learn the fate of the Gravebinder’s Daughter… why did she disappear? What happened to her? Can she be saved? Recovered? Or is she lost to the terrible appetites of the sands?

RPG1694755 Midgard: A Debt of Blood Thu @ 2:00 PM

RPG1694765 Midgard: Under the Devil’s Thumb Thu @ 2:00 PM

Cultists of Nakresh have the city under their thumb. Explore the underbelly of Highgate, unravel its secrets, and dark personas. Infiltrate the cult and procure their most prized trophies or die trying.

RPG1694800 Midgard: Gravebinder’s Daughter Thu @ 7:00 PM

RPG1694743 Midgard: Old Honey Paws Fri @ 8:00 AM

For twenty years, the King of Bears has defeated every challenger at his annual contest for his throne. Better known as Old Honey Paws, the crafty king devises new tests each year. Will you survive?

RPG1694780 Midgard: The Smoke of Ancient Fires Fri @ 8:00 AM

RPG1694788 Midgard: The Lairs of Beasts Fri @ 8:00 AM

RPG1694763 Midgard: Madman At the Bridge Fri @ 9:00 AM

RPG1694756 Midgard: A Debt of Blood Fri @ 10:00 AM

RPG1694792 Midgard: The Lairs of Beasts Fri @ 10:00 AM

RPG1694744 Midgard: Old Honey Paws Fri @ 1:00 PM

RPG1694770 Midgard: Raiders of the Chamber of Tomorrows Fri @ 1:00 PM

RPG1694760 Midgard: A Debt of Blood Fri @ 2:00 PM

RPG1694767 Midgard: Under the Devil’s Thumb Fri @ 2:00 PM

RPG1694745 Midgard: Old Honey Paws Fri @ 6:00 PM

RPG1694793 Midgard: The Lairs of Beasts Fri @ 6:00 PM

RPG1694747 Midgard: Old Honey Paws Sat @ 8:00 AM

RPG1694759 Midgard: A Debt of Blood Sat @ 10:00 AM

RPG1694794 Midgard: The Lairs of Beasts Sat @ 10:00 AM

RPG1694764 Midgard: Madman At the Bridge Sat @ 12:00 PM

RPG1694771 Midgard: Raiders of the Chamber of Tomorrows Sat @ 1:00 PM

RPG1694761 Midgard: A Debt of Blood Sat @ 2:00 PM

RPG1694768 Midgard: Under the Devil’s Thumb Sat @ 2:00 PM

RPG1694748 Midgard: Old Honey Paws Sat @ 6:00 PM

RPG1694750 Midgard: Old Honey Paws Sun @ 8:00 AM

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