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Tales of Zobeck, and Future Projects

Tales of Zobeck, and Future Projects

Ladies and gentlemen, the cover to the Tales of Zobeck Gazetteer.

Given that this Open Design project is packed with the details of the clockwork city and related adventures featuring devils, plagues, and yes, clockwork foes, I couldn’t be happier. The artist is Malcolm McClinton, and if you stick around, you will more from him.

If you’d like a copy of the Tales of Zobeck adventure anthology, visit our store before the limited edition ships later this month. The Gazetteer portion (without the adventures by me, Ed Greenwood, Tim Connors, etc) will be released to the public in November.

If you’d rather get in on the ground floor with the next patron project — and why shouldn’t you? — well, the discussion on those has kicked off in the forums. With a poll to choose your favorite.

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