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6 More Reviews of Kobold Quarterly #11

6 More Reviews of Kobold Quarterly #11

And just what are reviewers saying about the latest issue of Kobold Quarterly?

That was awesome!

They have fright rules for 4E, which is very Call of Cthulhu’esque… If your characters are plane hopping and you want to introduce them to some really [messed]-up [stuff], it’s perfect… I may introduce those rules [in our own game]…

Monte Cook wrote a great article on GMing…

It’s very good. One of the finer publications for roleplaying games.

Listen to the full podcast at Happy Jacks RPG Podcast.


“Howling Werebeasts” and “Ecology of the Vampire” are great articles… It really helps to get into the minds of a lycanthrope or vampire. Players will find it a useful guide on how they should roleplay as these characters and GMs are given a few pointers on how to handle them.

… they asked 16 game designers/writers on various questions about gamemastering. You are not going to find any place else where they’ve gathered the most diverse selection of people from various companies and game systems that share their thoughts and style of gamemastering.

Read the full review on the blog Questing GM.


[The article] “Whack Jacks and Harpy Nets”… While the necksnapper, gouters and giant’s arbalest and others make me smile, I would actually use the nailbiter, razornet and warcage in games.  The ideas are strong in this article

KQ11 is excellent and the length of this review, written in one sitting shows how engaging it is. It scratches so many itches and delivers the horror theme with a subtlety that does it’s editors credit.

Read the full review on the blog Fame & Fortune.


It is a nicely put together mag with tons of D&D content, whether you’re playing 3.x, Pathfinder or […] 4th Ed.

The magazine is very nice, very well put together, and for its price it is a good value… Would I recommend it to someone who has never read it?  Sure.  Extra content for your game is never a bad thing, and sometimes it’s good to go beyond the books and writings of the same designers you keep buying and reading from over and over again.

Read the full review on the blog NewbieDM.


… the micro-ruleset on torture was fabulous! Writer Hank Woon has brought the warm and fuzzies on by giving us a workable  set of rules regarding torture and interrogation!

… I cant help but mention that this would be a valuable addition to whatever fantasy game you run, even alongside your DDI toolset.

Read the full review on the blog The Fine Art of the TPK.


You read along, and you engage the magazine and its content, and you come out better for it. It’s not a splatbook… It’s an experience unlike buying a splatbook. A few times a year, I’m going to indulge in Kobold Quarterly. I think the surprising elements of the magazine are well worth the price of admission.

Read the full review on the blog The Spirits of Eden.

We’ve got a little something for everybody! Pick up your own copy of Kobold Quarterly #11 right here.

3 thoughts on “6 More Reviews of Kobold Quarterly #11”

  1. Hi folks,

    If you intend on using the monstrous paragon paths in your 4e campaign I would suggest granting a bonus to attack rolls with all powers that don’t list an implement or weapon. Hence, for a power like Furious Bellow or Hym of Wrath, you should gain a +4 bonus to your attack roll, increasing that to +6 at 21st level.

    Thankyou for listening.

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