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$5 Off ENnie Nominated Books At The Kobold Store

$5 Off ENnie Nominated Books At The Kobold Store

JiroOpen Design is up for four ENnie Awards this year (vote here), and our kobold mascot Jiro is out on the campaign trail stumping for votes! He’s traveling all over Midgard, and we’ll be giving you updates on his progress. (We’re not sure how he’s going to get out the vote in the Empire of the Ghouls. On the other hand, maybe we don’t want to know.)

To help his efforts, we’re offering $5 off the cover price on all of our 2012 ENnie-nominated titles from now to July 29. This applies to both PDF and print+PDF releases. Use the code JULY2012 when you check out.

Here’s the list of nominated adventures and sourcebooks from Open Design:

  • Best Adventure: Streets of Zobeck, lead designer Ben McFarland with Mike Franke, Richard Pett, Christina Stiles, and Matthew Stinson (Open Design’s first print adventure nomination)
  • Best Interior Art: Book of Drakes, artist Hugo Solis (Open Design’s first art nomination)
  • Best RPG Related Book: Complete Kobold Guide to Game Design, Wolfgang Baur, Keith Baker, Monte Cook, Ed Greenwood, Rob Heinsoo, Nicolas Logue, Colin McComb, Michael A. Stackpole, and Willie Walsh
  • Best Writing:Your Whispering Homunculus, Richard Pett with Greg Vaughan and Michael Kortes

Thanks as always for your support, and we hope that you’ll vote kobold at the polls!

6 thoughts on “$5 Off ENnie Nominated Books At The Kobold Store”

  1. Good books deserve the widest possible audience. Plus hey, Open Design is very proud of the awesome designers and artists we work with.

  2. Question: How is Streets of Zobeck “Best Adventure”? There were several adventures actually by several authors.

  3. James, you’d have to ask the judges to be sure why they chose Streets of Zobeck, but my guess is that an adventure anthology is still an adventure.

    It’s certainly a great collection of adventures, and I think they nominated it to reflect that. There is no “adventure collection” category in the ENnies, after all.

  4. <>
    And don’t forget folks [i]Alleys of Zobeck[/i] has overflow from [i]Streets of Zobeck[/i], including NPCs, feats, traits, gear, locations and “Small Treasures” for when you need to know what the victim carried in his pockets. At $2.99 it’s a steal. Get it? A Steal? Ha, Ha!
    I think it’s the best supplement ever! Look for it in the Store!

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