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Coolest Virtual Gen Con Project Ever

Coolest Virtual Gen Con Project Ever

Baba Yaga's HutAs part of the “Coolest Virtual Gen Con Project Ever,” Kobold freelancer Ben McFarland recorded the opening encounter of Grandmother’s Fire, an adventure out of the anthology, Tales of the Old Margreve.

While his voice is a little rough—who are we kidding, he could do stand-in work for the Cryptkeeper—it seems that the table had a great time, facing down ghoulish knights, ghostly coursers, and terrible lich hounds. And it’s a great example of the kinds of wonderful games you can find at Gen Con. So sit back, enjoy the raspy drawl of our GM, and watch as these brave adventurers delve into the shadows of the deep, dark forest.

And if you’re looking for more adventure, either from Ben or in the lands of Midgard, go check out Midgard Tales for another thirteen adventures from across the campaign setting!

You can also see a gallery here of all kinds of adventure, including those run by Wade Rockett (running 13th Age) and Amanda Hamon (running “Madman at the Bridge”).

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