The air is full of excitement in the Warrens. The Tales of the Valiant Alpha Release is out! Writing and playtest continue, and GenCon is just around the corner.
Pre-Order Tales of the Valiant RPG
Among all this activity, we’ve launched the Tales of the Valiant RPG pre-orders through Backer Kit. If you couldn’t join us for the Kickstarter, you can still get both the Player’s Guide and the Monster Vault, along with amazing add-ons, including the new Caverns of the Spore Lord adventure.
The Black Flag Returns

From the beginning, “Black Flag” sparked a fire with fans. We liked it too! Everyone, it seems, rallied under the Black Flag to make Tales of the Valiant possible.
We couldn’t trademark the term, though, so we put it down as we moved forward.
But as we’ve explored Core Fantasy Roleplaying and the open licenses it encompasses, we noticed we didn’t need to trademark the name of our free, open system, available for anyone to use with no restrictions and no money. So . . . what if we raise the Black Flag forever?
SPOILER ALERT: We’re doing it.
The Core Fantasy Roleplaying (CFR) system will now be called the Black Flag Roleplaying (BFR) system. Upon release later this year, the BFR rules will be a complete, distilled system document permanently available to everyone. Henceforth, our open, perpetual, irrevocable license, available for all to play and publish, will sail under the Black Flag.
To ensure you have what you need, we’ll release a Publisher’s Kit later this year with documentation and system guides needed to write your own adventures and materials. We’ll make an announcement once this is ready.
Caverns of the Spore Lord Adventure

Tales of the Valiant Kickstarter backers unlocked some incredible add-ons, including the new ToV adventure, Caverns of the Spore Lord. Available now on our store.
Backers will receive their backer copy via Kickstarter today.
Caverns of the Spore Lord is an introductory adventure for 1st-level characters. This cavern adventure by designer Kelly Pawlik (Inbar’s Guide to the Northlands, Tales from the Shadows, Tome of Beasts 3, Tome of Heroes) introduces ToV with a classic, dungeon-crawling adventure.
Featuring new creatures like the spore lord and the sporeborn, Caverns of the Spore Lord is a romp with big story elements and a new adventure layout and designed to make game prep easy for GMs.
Get Caverns of the Spore Lord here!
ToV at GenCon 2023
Join us at booth #1845 throughout the weekend for our new products and to pre-order Tales of the Valiant.
There are hundreds of community play tables and ToV playtests on site this year, so get your tickets now!
In addition, we’re excited about a series of great panels and the first-ever Tales of the Valiant live show. Join ToV’s lead designer, Celeste Conowitch, as she GMs an all-star cast, including Omega Jones (Critical Bard), Jesse Jerdak, Cate Osborn (Catieosaurous), Mark Meer, and Jason Azevedo (RealmSmith TV). Tickets are still available but limited. Get them now!
I think this is a good change overall, particularly with the logo. Also, “Black Flag Roleplaying” is a far more memorable name than “Core Fantasy.” Has a lot more character. Long live the Black Flag!
I love this change! Glad it happened too! If I ever got into publishing compatible content I would definitely be happier to slap that logo on my book than the first public drafts of the CFR logo.
Thank you for making this change!