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You Have Been Taunted a Third Time

You Have Been Taunted a Third Time

Tyman's Taunting Tower by Hugo SolisNow, most April foolishness is, well, sort of annoying. To counter that trend, Kobold Quarterly is offering something rather more use-fool than most.

Because we love you, all subscribers to Kobold Quarterly and all current Open Design patrons get a free — and somewhat silly — but totally playable adventure: the glorious Tyman’s Taunting Tower by Christina Stiles!

(Oui, c’est vrai! Nous n’allons même pas jeter une vache à vous!)

This adventure is for PCs of level 9 to 12 using the Pathfinder RPG rules, and it includes a new family of ogre foes, a new golem type, art by Hugo Solis, and all the secrets of Tyman’s Chest of Endless Irritating Items!

This is just our way of saying thanks for supporting KQ and Open Design. And the offer’s good all week: Anyone who becomes a patron or subscribes to KQ in the next 7 days (before midnight on April 7) gets a free copy of this adventure as well!

How do you get this astonishingly foolish adventure? Subscribers and patrons, watch your inbox! Make sure your vigilance is unceasing and sure! A magic word awaits you.

Not a subscriber or patron? All is not lost!! You can pick up this fun and fast adventure right here in the KQ Store, or subscribe today and get it for free!

19 thoughts on “You Have Been Taunted a Third Time”

  1. OK, ya got me! For the last year or so, I’ve been picking up each issue of KQ individually but I broke down and subscribed :)

  2. I’m a subscriber and when I processed the order it is saying the file size is 0 bytes with no download link. Don’t let this be a cruel joke!

    Same with the link in my KQ account.

  3. Odd – I subscribed yesterday and then the entire post about the promotion vanished! Now that it’s back, I’m not seeing anything that allows the free download – I wonder if it is because I subscribed while this was up the first time, before it vanished from the site?

  4. By no means is it a cruel joke! The link may have been corrupted, but I tried to fix it with a shift in file settings.

    Marc, new subscriptions may not have gotten the email code for it. Ask Shelly if you haven’t seen it by tonight.

  5. Wow, this is the first time i see a french phrase that is almost correct ! With the accents and everything ! kudos

    I would change it to “jeter une vache sur vous” (on you) ou “jeter une vache vers vous” (near you)

  6. Yep, if you changed email without notifying the [email protected] inbox, there’s a good chance that your new email is not registered with the Courier/Subscriber system.

    Glad our French was mostly correct, thanks for the correction, Francois!

  7. Kobold Minion here. I just put the little kobold to bed and I will now try to start processing all the KQ subscription orders that come through now. We’ll see how much I can get through tonight. What would I ever do without caffine?

    If you don’t see the adventure link today, we’ll get the link to all new/renewed/current subscribers by the end of the weekend.

  8. I am a subscriber and can’t figure out how to download it free.

    I’m sure I’m being a bonehead, but can someone please tell me how?



  9. Now that I am looking more carefully, I apparently didn’t get the email with the code.

    Any way I can get it again?



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