Tome of Beasts 3

Tome of Beasts 3

Something Lurks in the Shadows!

Coming soon to Kickstarter, with over 400 monsters at your fingertips, Tome of Beasts 3 is sure to challenge, delight, and even terrify your players:

  • An appendix filled with NPCs
  • Monsters designed by guest designers, such as B. Dave Walters, Gail Simone, and many more
  • Monsters designed by our very own backers
  • Monsters ranging from familiars to coastal environments to towering undead to forest-haunting dragons
  • Backers can playtest the monsters!

Tome of Beasts 3 Lairs contains 18 mapped adventures, plus any reached stretch-goal adventures, including:

  • A shipwreck filled with treasure—and danger!
  • A bakery-owning drake with a spooky problem
  • A cult hunting a fey that can allow them to travel the planes
  • A farmer whose prize-winning sheep are disappearing

Be notified on launch!

7 thoughts on “Tome of Beasts 3”

  1. Looking forward to having even more monsters to help me destroy my friends precious characters! Bonus points if they swallow them whole! Looking forward to the pile of shredded sheets and first one to cry has to make a junk food run. lol

  2. Jonathon Crawford

    A third Tome of Beasts! (Fourth if you count the Creature Codex, which I do.) That’s awesome to hear… can’t wait to see this beauty. Any possibility we might get some PC writeups in this one? After all, there’s been quite a few critters in the Tomes and the Codex that seem just begging for a playable race block, like the Chernomoi, Otterfolk and Harefolk – so if this is going to be the series’ last hurrah, why not add a quick ‘n’ dirty appendix for players who’d like to play a ratatosk, one of Kobold Press’s own phanatons, or whatever else?

  3. I am so excited for this! I better get to work on a new monster- hopefully I can get another one published! (Mountain Dryad ToB2 us mine) 🙏🥰

    1. I always love the diverse array of monsters these books provide! I’ve already backed and started concept designing my own backer monster.

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