The Sciathán

The Sciathán

They are the Blue Hag’s “wings”—the Sciathán. Called Plaguewing and Frostwing, they are the twin, fell-touched herons of the Cailleach Bhéara. These monstrous, otherworldly creatures are said to be sometimes glimpsed from afar, soaring above lonely borderlands and craggy mountain heights during the last dying days of summer. Each year they unerringly seek out the sacred holly tree and the last winter hideaway of the Blue Hag. The birds then peck away at the magic stone hidden there, freeing and awakening their mistress in time to celebrate the death of summer and revel in winter’s bitter birth.

Sciathán Sioc (Frostwing)

Large monstrosity, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 16
Hit Points 111 (13d10 +39)
Speed 30 ft., fly (hover) 90 ft.

17(+3) 13(+1) 16(+3) 10(+0) 16(+3) 14(+2)

Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +6, Cha +5
Skills Perception +6
Damage Resistances fire
Damage Immunities cold, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 150 ft., passive Perception 16, truesight
Languages understands Primordial but does not speak
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Cold Aura. Any unprotected, living thing ending its turn within 5 feet of the heron suffers 1 hit point of cold damage per round (no save).

Magic Resistance. The heron has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Wings of Winter Borne. As a bonus action, the heron may move toward and assist its twin in bearing aloft the Cailleach Bhéara, thus empowering the Blue Hag with the power of flight. While so engaged, the heron(s) may take no actions other than movement.


Frosted Flechettes (Recharge 5-6). With a titanic wing-flap, the heron releases an icy hail of frozen, needle-tipped, feathers: Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range: 90-foot cone. Hit: all creatures in the area take 12 (2d8+3) piercing and 10 (2d6+3) cold damage. Any creature taking more than 20 points of damage in this way must succeed at a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or lose 10 feet of movement for 2 (1d4) turns, minus the target’s Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).

Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d10 +3) piercing damage and succeed on a DC 15 Constitution save or take 13 (3d8) additional cold damage.

Claws. While airborne and not helping to carry the Blue Hag, the heron may make 2 claw attacks; Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d8 +3) slashing damage (each).

Wing Storm (Reaction). If the heron takes more than 30 hit points of damage in a single round, it reacts with a frenzied wing buffet producing an arctic blast causing 11 (2d10) cold damage and knocking back 10 feet any targets that are within 10 feet of the heron and who fail at a DC 15 Strength saving throw.


Sciathán Gorta (Faminewing)

Large monstrosity, neutral evil

Armor Class 18
Hit Points 124 (13d10 +52)
Speed 30 ft., fly (hover) 90 ft.

17(+3) 16(+3) 18(+4) 9(+0) 12(+1) 5(−4)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +7, Wis +4
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, diseased, poisoned
Senses darkvision 150 ft., passive Perception 14, truesight
Languages understands Primordial but does not speak
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Infectious Aura. Any unprotected, living thing ending its turn within 5 feet of the heron suffers 1 hit point of poison damage per round (no save).

Magic Resistance. The heron has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Wings of Winter Borne. As a bonus action, the heron may move toward and assist its twin in bearing aloft the Cailleach Bhéara, thus empowering the Blue Hag with the power of flight. While so engaged, the heron(s) may take no actions other than movement.

Bone Blight (3/day). A damaging attack by the heron’s beak or claw attacks forces a DC 15 Constitution save to avoid this bone-chilling, joint-cramping disease. The target creature suffers disadvantage on all Dexterity saving throws for 10 days (minus the target’s Con modifier) or until the disease can be cured.


Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d8 +3) piercing damage and succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, or take 13 (3d8) additional necrotic damage.

Claws. While airborne and not helping to carry the Blue Hag, the heron may make 2 claw attacks; Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d8 +3) slashing damage (each) and succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw to avoid the poisoned condition.

Breath of the Bogs (recharge 5-6). The heron exhales a cloud of noxious vapors, fanning them into a 30-foot cloud centered on itself. Each hostile creature in the area must succeed at a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 5 (2d4) each of poison, cold, and necrotic damage while acquiring 1 level exhaustion. A successful save avoids the exhaustion and halves the damage.

Breath of the Barrows (Reaction). If the heron takes 30 or more damage in a single round, it reacts by exhaling a cloud of pestilent grave dust and toxic tomb vapors in a 10-foot cone. All creatures in the area must succeed at a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to avoid 2 (1d4) Strength damage lasting 2 (1d4) turns.


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