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Blood-Stained Ice: Monsters of the Arctic—Hammer Moose (Part 4)

The world’s arctic region is both a place of great natural beauty and an inherently deadly environment. Freezing waters can turn blood to ice in mere minutes. Avalanches can bury entire parties, hiding their bodies forever under a mountainside’s worth of snow. As deadly as the arctic is, a wide variety of monsters call it […]

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Creature Comforts: Frost Giants (Part 3)

With each installment of Creature Comforts, we take a deeper look into a legendary monster that adventurers might encounter while journeying through the world. In this installment, we bring you some magic items, plus another creature you can add to your game. You can see more about frost giants in part 1 and part 2.

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Bloodstained Ice: Monsters of the Arctic (Part 3)

The world’s arctic region is both a place of great natural beauty and an inherently deadly environment. Freezing waters can turn blood to ice in mere minutes. Avalanches can bury entire parties, hiding their bodies forever under a mountainside’s worth of snow. As deadly as the arctic is, a wide variety of monsters call it

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Creature Comforts: Frost Giants (Part 2)

With each installment of Creature Comforts, we take a deeper look into a legendary monster that adventurers might encounter while journeying through the world. In this installment, we tackle a creature of note, who you can drop into your campaign: Thrag Ice-Breaker. You can see more about frost giants and some useful spells in part

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Blood-Stained Ice: Monsters of the Arctic (Part 2)

The world’s arctic region is both a place of great natural beauty and an inherently deadly environment. Freezing waters can turn blood to ice in mere minutes. Avalanches can bury entire parties, hiding their bodies forever under a mountainside’s worth of snow. As deadly as the arctic is, a wide variety of monsters call it

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Monster Monday: The Malforged

For most adventurers, treasure is the greatest lure and reward of their profession. Powerful weapons, potent magic talismans, and several lifetimes’ worth of gold are strong incentives for many to take up the lifestyle. The malforged are living examples of the adventuring occupation’s dangers. These former adventurers have had their dreams of riches turned into

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Monster Monday: Tekelnetiress, the Sultana’s Pin

Once one of the chosen few of Lashmaraq of Hariz, Tekelnetiress the chitin drake fell afoul of one of that queen’s many purges. A valued personal aide and bodyguard, as well as a “Hammer” of Hariz, Tekelnetiress was responsible for overseeing the training and equipping of forces ultimately destined for the failed conquest of Khandiria.

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Design Diary: Brian Liberge on the 4th Edition Midgard Bestiary

This week, the Midgard Bestiary: 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons Edition by Richard Green and Brian Liberge became available! With over 150 monsters in it, this book is sure to please every monster-loving gamemaster out there. One of your fellow monster-lovers, Brian Liberge, gave us some of his words about what he found fun while

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Midgard Bestiary for 4th edition D&D Now Available

In the passage ahead you see a golem made of eyes, holding a screaming psychic derro fetus in a cage. Roll for initiative! As we draw near to the big release of the Midgard Campaign Setting worldbook, we’ve hit the bestiary trifecta: our latest product brings the wonder and terror (mostly terror) of Midgard to 4th

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Monster Monday: Terlynne Avrronix—Chaos Bringer, the Piebald Jester, the Abomination

An accursed figure rarely mentioned within the borders of the Sultanate and virtually unknown outside of it, Terlynne Avrronix (CN Large pandemonium dragon) wanders the nations bordering the Empire and brings the somewhat questionable freedom of pure chaos to those who are (she believes) trodden down by structure, order, and law. In her natural form,

Monster Monday: Terlynne Avrronix—Chaos Bringer, the Piebald Jester, the Abomination Read More »

Monster Monday: Draugadróttinn Hel’s Heart, Lord of the Undead

Cold as the land of the dead, thrice kissed by Hel, the dragon came! Draugr and vaettir arose from their barrows and follow in its wake! Thrice kissed by Hel, the hearts and swords of the most valiant berserkers break! —From a runestone in Donnermark Background For two centuries, every appearance of the wintry menace

Monster Monday: Draugadróttinn Hel’s Heart, Lord of the Undead Read More »

Monster Monday: Kalikheth, the Bandit Drake (Oxide Drake)

Harsh master of a motley band of desert cutthroats and reavers, Kalikheth is brought low only by his overweening pride and constant cowardice. The drake prefers to create an atmosphere of equal parts fear and greed, and he rewards toadying as much as prowess among the outcast dragonkin and minotaurs that follow him. Kalikheth claims

Monster Monday: Kalikheth, the Bandit Drake (Oxide Drake) Read More »

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