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Good Riddance! Part 6: Have fun storming the castle

Storm giants are the most powerful of giants! They stand atop the giant hierarchy. Storm giants can be known to live high in the clouds or deep beneath the oceans, but they usually dwell far from mortal civilization. Storm giants can even be so reclusive as to prefer solitude from others of their own kind. However, a single storm giant’s wrath can wreak devastation upon the land or sea.

Good Riddance! Part 6: Have fun storming the castle Read More »

Giant-Size Fun All in One Place: Larger Than Life, a Pathfinder Supplement

Are your adventurers ready for a larger challenge? As in, physically larger—though size isn’t the only thing our collection of giants brings to your gaming table. Why not find out if they’re prepared? Larger Than Life gives you everything you need to bring these terrifying titans to your table. This 76-page book by RPG Superstar

Giant-Size Fun All in One Place: Larger Than Life, a Pathfinder Supplement Read More »

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