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Psst. Streets of Zobeck Is Here—Pass It On!

Psst. Streets of Zobeck Is Here—Pass It On!

Streets of Zobeck coverCriminal mastermind Ben McFarland and his gang of patrons have been plotting this job for months, and now they’re ready to spring it on an unsuspecting world. Streets of Zobeck, with seven grim-and-gritty adventures for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, is available in the Kobold Store.

Streets of Zobeck builds on the material presented in the Zobeck Gazetteer and Kobold Quarterly to illuminate the Clockwork City’s seedier sections, shining a lantern into corners and alcoves perhaps best left in shadow. Make no mistake, this book is dark.

The anthology begins with an introduction to eight dodgy NPC residents of Zobeck’s more sinister quarters, from the unquiet soul of a murdered noblewoman to a naga sorceress who schemes to rule the city’s kobolds.

From there we enter a variety of places where adventurers who engage in dark dealings are sure to end up eventually. You can shop for illicit goods at the infamous Cartways black market, get a loan at the Cracked Coin, and find a night’s entertainment at the Silk Scabbard.

An Adventurous Heart

Streets of Zobeck’s seven adventures are the heart of the book, and they’re full of twisted plots, dark histories and double-crosses. Nothing is as it seems, and PCs will need to keep their wits about them if they want to navigate Zobeck’s underworld and come out ahead—or simply alive.

New feats, gear, and spells round out the contents. Characters can use Crippling Blows and Diplomatic Strike to send a strong message and use Quiet Spell to use magic at times when silence is necessary. A PC’s background might include Callous Thug, Black-Marketeer, and Riot Rouser. Spells such as summon blade, stolen identity, and indulgence enable all sorts of infamous acts, as do items like the cloak of the rat and Red Lady’s scalpel.

Are you in? Then head over to the Kobold Store and pick your copy of Streets of Zobeck in print or PDF.

6 thoughts on “Psst. Streets of Zobeck Is Here—Pass It On!”

  1. Levels 1 to 10. I think some of them are very easy to convert (the more mystery driven ones), and given the ease of building 4E monsters, it’s not too tough to kitbash a version.

    I’d be interested to hear how these run in any edition!

  2. Congratulations to Ben and the patrons for a great job well done… although perhaps such shadow-hugging rogues would prefer to keep out of the limelight, receiving instead just a professional nod of respect and a promise a future work, favours, and a jailbreak from the Blue House in time of need.

    Nice work- hey, where’d my money pouch go?

  3. Let me give that back to you, Dan. They can get to exuberant sometimes. ;)

    I believe the adventures might even go to 12, and converting to 4E wouldn’t be too, rough, I think. Personally, I put the cutover to Paragon at Pathfinder level 8ish. If you decide to do so, let me know, and I’ll give you some thoughts.


  4. Glad to here that the convert to 4e should not be so hard, I’m planning on doing it! Sounds like a good set of city adventures.

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