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Monster Monday: Terlynne Avrronix—Chaos Bringer, the Piebald Jester, the Abomination

Monster Monday: Terlynne Avrronix—Chaos Bringer, the Piebald Jester, the Abomination

Mumford, Ethel Watts, Herford, Oliver and Mizner, Addison: “The Cynic’s Calendar” (1905)An accursed figure rarely mentioned within the borders of the Sultanate and virtually unknown outside of it, Terlynne Avrronix (CN Large pandemonium dragon) wanders the nations bordering the Empire and brings the somewhat questionable freedom of pure chaos to those who are (she believes) trodden down by structure, order, and law. In her natural form, Terlynne is a piebald dragon; she has albino scales with patches of gold and red scattered haphazardly across her thin and lanky frame. Though weaker than other true dragons her age, her innate connection to the forces of chaos and probability invoke unease and outright fear in her draconic peers.

A forbidden union between a gold and red dragon produced something never before seen on Midgard: a unique true dragon combining elements from both parents. When it came to light, this birth resulted in the arrest of Terlynne’s parents, but the wyrmling was spared in case the new dragon could prove useful to the Empire. This decision was not a popular one, and the child grew up in a world that either wanted her for study or wanted her dead. When she was but a youngling, Terlynne watched as her parents were executed for breaking draconic law and producing such an abomination. This act proved to be the incident that would determine how Terlynne chose to live her life. For the next few decades, Terlynne bided her time, not revealing the true scope of her powers until she was ready to escape. When she did, her first act of defiance left three dragons dead along with many lesser humanoids.

As a self-proclaimed avatar of chaos, Terlynne delights in bringing down structure, revels in unbridled mayhem, and relishes any opportunity to tweak the nose of law. After gaining her freedom, Terlynne fled the Sultanate for the neighboring countries and assumed the form of a human female jester. In her motley costume of red, gold, and black, she wanders from city to city, unleashing her draconic abilities to sow havoc and chaos wherever she goes. She infects a population with her probability presence so that what could go wrong does, and what should be fine never is. Though injuries and deaths do result, Terlynne savors the chaos like it’s the finest vintage wine. Many dragons have been sent after her, but Terlynne shrugs off these attacks through guile and sheer moxie. It also helps that her chaotic powers affect other true dragons, and they are downright afraid of her. Terlynne uses her occasional jaunts into the Sultanate to remind the powers-that-be of her continued survival.

Adventure Hooks

  • A single untouched scale from the piebald jester has been found and is up for auction in Sarkland.
  • The piebald jester arrives in town. Can anyone survive the chaos her coming brings?
  • One of the Dragon Lords, the red dragon Lashmaraq Talshah, calls upon brave adventurers to put an end to the Abomination. She pays handsomely, but her eagerness for Terlynne’s death could be an attempt to cover up a family secret.
  • It is rumored that the knucklebones of fate, a powerful artifact indeed, resides in the hoard of the piebald dragon and, it is said, she can teach those who embrace chaos how to control the item’s random effects.

Terlynne CR 11
XP 12,800
Adult pandemonium dragon
CN Large dragon (chaos)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 120 ft., dragon senses; Perception +24
Aura Probability presence (100 ft., Will DC 24)

AC 27, touch 11, flat-footed 25 (+2 Dex, +15 natural, –1 size)
hp 132 (14d12+42)
Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +9
DR 10/law; Immune mind-affecting effects, paralysis, sleep; SR 22
Weakness vulnerability to law

Speed 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor)
Melee bite +12 (2d6+6), 2 claws +12 (1d8+4), 2 wings +7 (1d6+2), tail slap +7 (1d8+6)
Special Attacks breath of wonder (40-ft. cone, DC 22, see text)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14)
At will—protection from law, confusion (DC 18), suggestion (DC 18)

Str 19, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 20
Base Attack +8; CMB +12; CMD 24
Feats Alertness, Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Ability Focus (probability presence)
Skills Bluff +20, Diplomacy +20, Fly +12, Heal +20, Perception +24, Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft +20, Use Magic Device +20
SQ change shape, control chance, scale of many things

Probability Presence (Ex) As frightful presence except everyone within the area of effect must roll twice for any die roll and take the lower result. True dragons do not receive a save against this ability.

Breath of Wonder Terlynne’s breath weapon functions like a normal dragon’s except instead of fire or lightning it mimics the effects of a rod of wonder (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, page 489). Any result that affects the “wielder” instead affects all creatures in the area of effect of the breath.

Control Chance (Ex) So strong is her connection to the forces of chaos that Terlynne has a 50 percent chance to control the results of any magic item with a randomized result (rod of wonder, knucklebone of fate, and so on). In fact, Terlynne’s hoard (which she carries at all times) is made up exclusively of these sorts of items.

Scale of Many Things (Su) Once per month, Terlynne can shed a single scale. The scale functions like a single draw from a deck of many things for the next person who touches it. She thinks it is funny to leave these scales for others to find.

(This post is Product Identity.)

3 thoughts on “Monster Monday: Terlynne Avrronix—Chaos Bringer, the Piebald Jester, the Abomination”

  1. Morgan Boehringer

    Woah! Holy probability Brian! I really like this pandemonium dragon. Great backstory, but even more flavorsome abilities – Probability Presence is excellent, Control chance is way cool and Scale of many things is downright dastardly!

    What is the “area of effect” on Probability Presence? Can Terlynne uses her own shed scale of many things?

  2. Morgan Boehringer

    Never mind. I see the area of effect for Probability Presence is 100ft, and the scales fumction for “the next person who touches” them. Darn pandemonium dragon messing with my mind… ;)

  3. My Sunday game has my players on the edge of the world of Midgard, trying to get to the coils of the world serpent to save a local princess. I needed a guardian for the pathway ahead and I think this dragon will be perfect. Its an overpowered game to start with, so a little randomness is just fine.

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