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Kobold Courier #10 Has Shipped

Kobold Courier #10 Has Shipped

Saracen CourierThe All Hallows Eve edition of the Kobold Courier was sent out yesterday (and most of them made it through the ghosts and goblins!).

As always, the Courier is packed with news: the word on upcoming projects, evil gnomes, Skip Williams’ take on initiative, a big discount on some exclusive MapTools-compatible maps, a Zombie Sky Press release, some first-quality unusual dice, the latest on the Advanced Feats series, the print edition of Tales of the Old Margreve and an interview with Michael Furlanetto, lead designer of the Dark Deeds in Freeport project.

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5 thoughts on “Kobold Courier #10 Has Shipped”

  1. James, we haven’t gotten a method for back issues yet, but …. Please check your spam filter, and if it’s not there, put your email in the black box to the right.

    Tom, thank you for passing the Courier along. Your reward of three mouse pelts for diligence is in the mail!

  2. Kobold Minion #1

    James — email me which back issues you want and I can send them to you.

    –Minion #1 subscriptions at koboldquarterly dot com

    1. Good morning,
      I’ve recently discovered your products and I’d love to get back issues from the last 18 months if possible. I live in Germany, and I will soon be moving to Africa. Your Kobold Courier was a blast to read and I’d love to have more to inspire me. Thanks!!!



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