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Monday Monster: Quicksilver Ooze

Monday Monster: Quicksilver Ooze

Quicksilver oozes are a freakish combination of alchemical reagents and magical energy, born from laboratory experiments gone awry. Their shape is completely malleable, but when at rest a quicksilver ooze most closely resembles a pool of liquid silver. The ooze is rarely at rest, however, as it searches the world for its lone source of nourishment—uncast spells.

The glistening silver pool twitches then begins to slither towards you. An appendage, not unlike a proboscis, grows from its form as it propels itself towards you. [More…]

Quicksilver Ooze CR 5

Always N Medium ooze
+3; Senses Blind, sense magic, Listen +5

AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15
(+3 Dex, +5 natural armor)
hp 60 (8d10+16), DR 10/silver
Immune Ooze immunities
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3

Spd 30 ft., climb 15 ft., swim 30 ft.
Melee +9 slam (1d6 plus 2d6 alchemical plus spell drain)
Atk Options Drain spells (DC 16)

Before Combat As a mindless creature, a quicksilver ooze doesn’t make plans.
During Combat A quicksilver ooze thinks only of feeding. It attacks any spellcaster to the exclusion of all others, feasting on those with the most powerful spell energy first.
Morale A quicksilver ooze fights to the death as long as a spellcaster remains.

Abilities Str 10, Dex 17, Con 15, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 4
Base Atk +6; Grp +6
SQ explosive membrane (DC 16), ooze traits
Feats Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills Climb +11, Listen +5, Swim +11

Environment Any
Organization Solitary
Treasure None
Advancement 9–12 HD (Medium); 13–20 HD (Large); 21–28 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment —

Drain Spells (Su): Whenever a quicksilver ooze strikes a spellcaster with its slam attack, it siphons off one prepared spell, or one spell slot for those who cast spontaneously, or one use of a spell–like ability. The highest level spell is always drained first; if multiple spells of the same level are available, choose randomly.

When a quicksilver ooze drains an at–will spell-like ability, the target cannot use that spell–like ability again for 2d3 rounds. A DC 16 Fortitude save resists this spell drain; the save is Constitution–based.

Spell energy drained in this way heals a quicksilver ooze. The ooze heals 1 hp per spell level. If the ooze is at full hit points, it gains temporary hit points. A quicksilver ooze can have up to twice its Hit Dice in temporary hit points, and all temporary hit points expire after one hour.

Explosive Membrane (Ex): The alchemical cocktail that generates a quicksilver ooze causes its membranes to explode when struck in combat. Whenever the quicksilver ooze takes damage from a weapon, or strikes with its slam attack, a small explosive burst explodes from its body. All creatures within 5 feet of the quicksilver ooze suffer 2d6 points of damage. This damage is half fire and half acid; a successful DC 16 Reflex save halves the damage. The save is Constitution–based.

Sense Magic (Su): A quicksilver ooze can sense any creature within 300 feet with uncast spells, whether those spells are spell–like abilities, prepared spells (such as a wizard or cleric), or spell slots (such as a sorcerer or bard). If multiple creatures in range are spellcasters, the quicksilver ooze instinctively knows which target has the most powerful magic available.

Skills: Quicksilver oozes have a +4 racial bonus to Listen checks; in addition, they may use the better of their Dexterity or Strength modifiers for Climb and Swim checks. A quicksilver ooze has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. A quicksilver ooze also has a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened.

Strategy and Tactics
A quicksilver ooze focuses its attacks exclusively on spellcasters. It prefers to feast on creatures with actual spellcasting ability, but in lean times the ooze will drain spell–like abilities. Whenever the ooze encounters spellcasters, it attacks the creature with the highest-level spell slots first. It attacks relentlessly, and its hunger for spell energy is never sated.

When a quicksilver ooze has completely drained a creature’s spell energy, it moves on to a new target. If no additional spellcasters are available, it leaves in search of them.

Quicksilver oozes form when an alchemy experiment goes awry. Scholars are unsure exactly how they form, and controlled experiments to create a quicksilver ooze have all failed to date. Regardless of the circumstances of their creation, once animated a quicksilver ooze is a bane to all spellcasters. They mindlessly travel great distances in search of their meals.

Experts believe quicksilver oozes are a relatively new species, appearing only within the last 200 years or so. The earliest documented quicksilver ooze was reported by the infamous archmage Agastus. The wizard wanted to alter the powers of summoned demons as they arrived. After much research, Agastus believed he knew how to alter his summoning circle to imbue his bound demons he bound with more power than normal. To test his theories, Agastus drew a new summoning circle with special alchemical reagents added to the powdered silver.

Unfortunately, Agastus’s research wasn’t as thorough as he thought, and he drew one crucial glyph incorrectly. When the imp summoned by the old wizard tried to cross the incorrect circle, it was transformed into a quicksilver ooze. The new creature quickly drained the archmage of his power and poor Agastus fled his tower in abject terror, glad to escape with his life.

Quicksilver oozes do not hoard treasure; however, these oozes are often found in the laboratory where they were first created, a place filled with alchemical substances and reagents. In addition, a skilled alchemist can extract arcane materials from a dead quicksilver ooze to make an alchemical substance known as quicksilver’s revenge.

Harvesting Quicksilver Components
Quicksilver oozes are born from alchemical substances, so it comes as little surprise that a skilled alchemist distill the remains of one to create yet another alchemical substance—quicksilver’s revenge.

Harvesting material from a dead ooze requires a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check. A Medium ooze provides enough arcane material to make three doses of quicksilver’s revenge. A Large ooze has enough material for six doses, a Huge specimen enough for nine doses.

Once the material is harvested, it must be distilled properly in a laboratory; this requires a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check and two days’ work. Once the substance is properly distilled, each dose can be bottled in a way similar to alchemist’s fire. Each flask inflicts 2d4 damage upon impact, with splash damage in a 5–foot radius equal to 1d4 damage. This damage is half fire and half acid. Harvested material becomes inert after one month.

One flask of quicksilver’s revenge weighs 1 pound and has a market price of 50 gp.

Quicksilver Ooze Lore
Knowledge (dungeoneering)
DC Result
10 This creature is an ooze created when an alchemist’s lab explodes.
13 The ooze can sense the presence of spellcasters; striking the creature in combat makes it explode.
18 A quicksilver ooze can drain uncast spells and spell slots from even the most powerful spellcasters.
23 A dead quicksilver ooze is the primary ingredient in an alchemical substance called quicksilver’s revenge.

Oozed out? Got a monster request? KQ is happy to oblige, just let us know in comments or in the Forum.

Open Game License for Quicksilver Ooze

10 thoughts on “Monday Monster: Quicksilver Ooze”

  1. Very nice! But how do I roll for 2d3 rounds (see Drain Spells ability)? The name is good too, I used the same one for my new monster in “Behind the Spells: Cone of Cold” ;)

  2. Freelancer brawl!!!

    btw, the times on these comments really messed with my head for a second. *Wait…it’s 4am!!*

  3. If you don’t have an actual d3, Wolfgang’s method works just fine.

    As for the name… I’ll confess I haven’t been reading the “Behind the Spells” series, so the similar name is mere coincidence.

  4. Heh, no worries. With so many people writing so many things for the same game there’s bound to be repetition in names. As for not reading BtS, well, there’s really no excuse there. ;)

  5. I have to make sure I keep this in my Yahoo inbox, neat stuff, if this is 4E I think I can easily convert it back to 3.5-3.75 (i.e. Pathfinder) Ed. or use as is. Great work

  6. Thanks for your kind words.

    The stats are for 3.5 already, so you should definitely be good to go as-is.

    If you like this monster, be sure to click on the “Articles” link on the left hand side (up near the top of the page) and search through for other Monday Monster entries. There’s a ton of great stuff available here!

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