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Midgard Top 10: Deposed Kobold Kings and Queens of Zobeck

Midgard Top 10: Deposed Kobold Kings and Queens of Zobeck

Zobeck’s Kobold Ghetto is filled with ever-changing factions of kobolds aligned with various kobold leaders. These kobold “kings” and “queens” rule groups of kobolds and sections of the Kobold Ghetto for weeks or months at a time, briefly gaining some political clout among the kobolds before being replaced, assassinated, or forced into early retirement.

A rare few manage to rule for a year or more. Here are some of the kobolds who were once kings or queens in the Kobold Ghetto of Zobeck. Some might have been assassinated or run out of the city, while others might still hold a small circle of loyal kobolds, biding their time until they can claim a rival’s territory and regain their lost status.

Squabbling broke out when we attempted to rank these, so they are presented here in alphabetical order. Give us your ranking in the comments!

Top 10 Deposed Kobold Monarchy

Akzil Stormscale

Chagrk Mountainsplitter

Girglix Dragonpuncher

Krerk the Starslayer

Kriz Brewguard

Oggana Covenbound

Urmgi the Rockbender

Vugvar Boulderbash

Zreaga the Silentclaw

Zukla Spiderchewer

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6 thoughts on “Midgard Top 10: Deposed Kobold Kings and Queens of Zobeck”

  1. My ranking are:
    Girglix Dragonpuncher
    Krerk the Starslayer
    Chagrk Mountainsplitter
    Vugvar Boulderbash
    Akzil Stormscale
    Kriz Brewguard
    Zreaga the Silentclaw
    Zukla Spiderchewer
    Urmgi the Rockbender
    Oggana Covenbound

  2. Spend some time playing. I’m interested in finding out more because I have strong views about it. Would you please provide more details to your blog post? We will all actually gain from it.

  3. Some may have been killed or driven out of the city, while others may still control a small circle of loyal kobolds, waiting to capture a rival’s land and reclaim their rank.

  4. Grimtooth was a master of deception and manipulation, often playing rival factions against each other to further his own agenda. His reign was characterized by backstabbing and intrigue, earning him both allies and enemies among the kobold populace.

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