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Midgard Tales Now Available

Midgard Tales Now Available

Midgard Tales — the most epic adventure anthology to date for the Midgard Campaign Setting — has arrived in hardcover!

We invited some of the most creative game designers working today to create adventures that would define the Midgard setting, with locations that range from the magic-warped West to the gloriously savage eastern steppes.

And they delivered big! Midgard Tales is a 196-page anthology of 13 Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventures for characters level 1 through 11 that your players will be talking about for years. You can get it today at the Kobold Store, DriveThru RPG,or Paizo.

In Midgard Tales, your band of adventurers will:

  • Escape a prison built atop a gigantic alien god
  • Attend a fey wedding with deadly consequences
  • Face the terrors lurking in the deepest dwarven mines
  • Outwit a Mharoti dragon’s cunning
  • – and much more!

Midgard Tales represents some of the best work to date from Ben McFarland, Crystal Frasier, Richard Pett, Christina Stiles, Morgan Boehringer, Tim Connors, Mike Franke, Erik Freund, Matt Hewson, Michael Lane, Chris Lozaga, Ted Reed, and Brian Suskind. These adventures will shake the foundations of complacency and “just another dungeon.”

Bloodmarked of the White Mountain MarchesHere’s what you’ll find inside:

  • Atop the Warring Blasphemies: In the Wasted West, goblin factions wage civil war atop two battling, time-slowed alien colossi. The captured PCs must attempt a daring escape through their cities and down the titanic bodies of the hideous Great Old Ones Gorthoga and Ashkharak.
  • Curse of the Witchkeep: Ancient magics spin out of control, unleashing a plague of undead. The characters must untangle a knot of competing factions to discover and stop the true source of this necromantic blight.
  • On the Fourth Day, We Kill Them All: In western Trollheim, one great house is about to fall, destroyed by its ancient rival. Only the PCs can save the noble house through means whose story began centuries ago.
  • Bloodmarked of the White Mountain Marches: An ancient curse threatens to transform isolated mountain communities into ravenous, brutal raiders dedicated to the White Goddess.
  • The Dawnsong Tragedy: A holy shrine, once lost on the plains, has returned, and it’s up to the characters to cleanse it of the evil that twisted its very existence. Success means the favor of the bright goddess Lada and the restoration of her sacred holy place.
  • The Tattered Unicorn: Something sinister lurks in the woods, committing atrocities against the good creatures living there. Can the characters discover what drives anyone to skin a unicorn and terrorize a small, pastoral community?
  • To Resurrect the Steigenadler: A terrible accident causes an airship crash in the heart of the Wasted West. The characters must survive against the dust goblins, the walker cultists, a secret killer, and even the land itself to create their own rescue and return to civilization.
  • Masquerade: Two star-crossed lovers seek to be reunited and begin their new life. But first, the adventurers must kill one of them.
  • Whispers in the Dark: The mines of the Ironcrags can dig too deep, unleashing things best left buried. Something terrible hunts the shafts and tunnels; can the characters to stop the killings and restore a dwarf clan’s prosperity?
  • Sorrow: The King in Rags has come to claim his promised betrothed, but betrayal lurks in every alcove. The characters must defeat the faerie lord at his own games and seek him out in the heart of his fey realm.
  • Among the Red Monoliths: An ancient and sleeping army of giants stands, imprisoned for millennia. Now the White Knights want to destroy them, and it’s up to the adventurers to save the city and keep the giants slumbering.
  • Five Trials of Pharos: One of the Mharoti dragons is offering a king’s ransom to the first team to complete the course and its challenges– but not every hazard along the way is a natural one.
  • The Stacks Between: Torn from reality and set adrift on the space between the Outer Planes due to the hubris of its last caretaker, the Lost Stross Library has reappeared. The characters have but hours to rescue a foolish explorer and escape before the structure drifts away, taking anyone inside along with it.

Pick up Midgard Tales today!

9 thoughts on “Midgard Tales Now Available”

  1. I was a backer and contributor to this project. I remember voting on, and discussing these adventures – and let me say, I had totally forgotten how amazingly creative they are. Just reading the descriptions evoked an ear-to-ear grin! I can’t wait to pour over the pages when my hard cover arrives!

  2. Morgan Boehringer


    * I’m really impressed by the interior art – some really great pieces especially in Sorrow and the picture shown in this blogpost. Of course Ted Reed’s cover is beautiful and Marc Radle’s cover design skills stellar.

    * So happy to see Midgard’s orcs get some stagetime! In two different adventures IIRC.

    * One error I found straight away – the map entitled “Consumation” in the Sorrow adventure.

    As a backer and a contributor I’m both humbled and proud. Nice work to everyone involved from the least backer to the publisher. Thanks backers, thanks Wolfgang!

    And a special thank you to Ben McFarland for bringing it all together and Christina Stiles for pitching the idea in the first place!!!

  3. The first backers got their copies last week, but most backers are seeing their copies arrive this week. The last ones should arrive by the first week of August for overseas shipments.

  4. Just got my copy.

    I have to say, I think think that this book has the best looking production value of all Open Design products thus far. Even the texture of the paper feels awesome.

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