KotM Fight! Last Call

KotM Fight! Last Call

King of the MonstersThis is your last chance to vote for the King of the Monsters. Make sure your voice is heard, for tomorrow at noon (PST), the winner is crowned.

What kind of king do you want to rule, to hoard, to slay, to represent your general PC-harassing interests?

Tell us by voting in the forums.

4 thoughts on “KotM Fight! Last Call”

  1. I’ve just looked at my Grievous Wailer’s low standing in the polls but can’t be bugged. I loved several of the monsters in this contest more than my own. Personally, I wish the Echidna had gotten more votes as that was one of my favourites. The zaglossus was another favourite but, but it seemed too familiar … like one of the creepy crawly things that are always nibbling away at the back of my brain. I still want the afanc to be replace the beaver on our Canadian currency but we’ll have to start with a few afanc sightings in our Northern lakes.

    Loved the contest. Loved being in it. Don’t mind taking up the tail end of this one at all.

    Thanks for the chance guys.

  2. Hey, Trevor, I confess that the grievous wailer was one that all the judges thought has a great pulp vibe.

    Sorry it didn’t connect with the voters, but I think you went with something original and a little weird, and that’s always ok in my book.

  3. I’ll never look at our nickel the same way ever again Trevor! And about the afanc sightings, keep looking; who can tell when the mythic beast will show up?!

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