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King of the Monsters Fight!

King of the Monsters Fight!

King of the Monsters ContestThe monster apocalypse is here. In just a few short sentences, you’ll discover the identities of the 10 finalists of KQ.com’s first ever King of the Monsters Contest. But first…

We would like to thank each and every one of you that sent an entry in. We couldn’t have done this without you.

The judging was not easy. There are many awesome monsters now lying bloody in the judges’ wake. But there could be only 10, so difficult decisions had to be made. The judges—Jeff Grubb, Wolfgang Baur, and Scott Gable—each made their picks and championed their candidates.

Some monsters sailed through, getting the illustrious Three Nods. Most, though, were not so lucky.  It turns out, each judge had a slightly different perspective, unique in their experiences, dreams, and expectations. Who knew? However, with the help of some beer and Vietnamese cuisine, an accord was reached, shaped by passion and logic (and some not-at-all shady promises).

The competition was fierce and those that fell were very much contenders until the end. Many will no doubt rise again. Everyone who submitted an entry should be proud.

And now, we congratulate the 10 finalists (in alphabetical order)…

  1. Afanc
  2. Echidna
  3. Grave Linnorm
  4. Grievous Wailer
  5. Hive Ghoul
  6. Polydoros
  7. Spark
  8. Treacle
  9. Wendigo
  10. Zaglossus

These 10 monsters will now fight for domination (and prizes!) in the public arena. For the next 4 weeks, each Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday on KQ.com will be dedicated to the King of the Monsters Contest. Starting tomorrow, each monster will have a day to shine. Finally, on January 13, the judges will post some comments on the process and the public voting will begin. One week later, only one monster will stand.

Everyone is welcome and even encouraged to comment on the monsters. Study them carefully. Watch how they move. Swish them around your mouth. Er… whatever you need to do. Indeed, there is a wide variety and from various editions. All we ask is that you be civil.

So pull up a chair and root for your favorite!


Really? You want be to clean up after them? Have you seen what some of them eat? OK, fine. I’ll do it, but after, we talk about that vacation time you promised, yeah?

20 thoughts on “King of the Monsters Fight!”

  1. Congrats finalists and everyone who entered. That’s a cool sounding list up there, and I can’t wait to see them in their full glory.

  2. So, hey….is this anonymous or can folks tell other folks if they did a specific critter in the list. A few entrants and I are wondering.

  3. It’s not anonymous. Each monster post, starting tomorrow, will have the author’s name attached to it, but everyone’s free to talk.

    In fact, I’ll make it easy and post the full author list here:

    1. Afanc: Jarrod Camiré
    2. Echidna: Randy Dorman
    3. Grave Linnorm: Phillip Larwood
    4. Grievous Wailer: Trevor Gulliver
    5. Hive Ghoul: Mario Podeschi
    6. Polydoros: Charles Kiley
    7. Spark: Adam Daigle
    8. Treacle: Crystal Frasier
    9. Wendigo: Matthew Cicci
    10. Zaglossus: David Posener

  4. Also, while I’d hoped that I’d see more of my friends in this, I have to admit I am really excited to see some names I’m not familiar with.

    Again, I can’t wait to see what each of these looks like!

  5. The names were all hidden from the judges, so this is the first time I know the authors.

    I’m happy to see some familiar hands were at the wheel for these! Nice work, gents.

  6. Hooray! Thanks guys – I’ve now got this warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Much like an alien infestation come to think of it. Wait a minute…

  7. As a contest, there’s no feedback available on the entries that the judges did not choose. There’s just too many entries to make it practical; it took a lot of hours just to come to a decision on a Top 10.

    You can get a lot of monster feedback in the Open Design projects; the From Shore to Sea project is doing a TON of feedback on Pathfinder RPG monsters this week, as a matter of fact, and the Courts project has done monster feedback for 4E.

  8. Speak of which, are those of us who didn’t make the cut free to post our monsters elsewhere (pathfinderdb, forums, etc)?

    Much kudos to the finalists, and I look forward to a month of awesome homebrew critters. :)

    (which isn’t to say that previous offerings on here weren’t awesome in their own right, mind)

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