Thanks to the support of gamers worldwide, over $50,000 is already destined for Doctors Without Borders and their efforts in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
As many of you likely already know, DriveThruRPG’s servers took a huge hit, but really, it’s heartwarming to know that it’s because people are just anxious to help. Don’t worry, though, DriveThruRPG is taking great pains to streamline the process and make it easy for customers. Now, titles are automatically added directly to your download list when you make the donation.
And if you haven’t yet made your donation, don’t worry because the pdf bundle will be available until January 31.
Excellent! I contributed a bit ago and I encourage others to as well. It’s win/win!
$70,000+ now!
Yep, I think it’s nearly $100,000 now. KQ is in the bundle, and I’ve made my donation as well.
I’m thrilled to see gamers are stepping up and donating big.