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More Reviews of Kobold Quarterly #12

More Reviews of Kobold Quarterly #12

just released and the reviews are steadily pouring in. Find out what the buzz is about.

Your mom. She’s going to LOVE KQ#12. It’s not only because your Mom Loves Kobolds.

Moms are always on the lookout for wholesome, kid friendly games… James Jacobs where he recounts he experience at da Vinci Arts Middle School.

Another reason your Mom loves Kobolds is because this issue includes some more practical sciencey learnin’ stuff…You can learn all about the biology, ecology, life cycle, mating patterns, and other juicy details of this cuddly loving toad thingamabobber called a froghemoth.

We all know how much Mom loves the History Channel, right? … there is this really nice, sweet but short article about… (drum roll please)… the history of Ninjas.

Read the full review at The Core Mechanic.


[“The Ecology of the Froghemoth”] does a great job explaining all the weird little things about froghemoths… [and] provides stats for froghemoth young as well (the buggers are dangerous even in their eggs)…

[“Sanctus et Virtus”] provides several nonstandard wondrous items (“relics”) which come into existence spontaneously, and cannot be constructed (or, by virtue of the article’s lack of prices, bought)… which makes them all the more interesting.

[“Elves: The Fallen Ones”]… I love the Wicked Fantasy series of articles (spearheaded by John Wick). They each give a fresh, often gritty look at an old race, and this time elves get the Wicked treatment.

Read the full review at Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies.

We’ve got a little something for everybody. Pick up your own copy of Kobold Quarterly #12. (Or pick up a gift subscription for your mom. Mother’s Day is right around the corner.)

Your mom. She’s going to LOVE KQ#12. It’s not only becuase your Mom Loves Kobolds

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