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Drake Options: Variant Class Rules

Drake Options: Variant Class Rules

Winged dragons (fourteenth century)It’s raining drakes! Find a whole slew of these fierce mini-dragons in the Book of Drakes. Masters Daigle and Welham can show you the way…


A bard may add the following masterpiece to his or her repertoire.

Flight of the Drake (Sing, Wind)

Your ever-lilting tune stirs the air under your allies and lifts them skyward.
Prerequisite: Perform (sing) 5 ranks or Perform (wind) 5 ranks.
Cost: Feat or 2nd-level bard spell known.
Effect: This favorite tune of the song drakes evokes the sensation of taking off in flight by repeating a complex series of combined notes that fluidly travel up the scale. Once per round, you can affect an ally with levitate, which lasts for 1 round per bard level. You may continue playing each round to add a round’s worth of levitate to an ally or affect a new ally. Once the duration expires for a target, you cannot levitate the target again.
Use: 1 bardic performance round per round.
Action: 1 standard action per ally…


A magus who prefers his familiar to be his spellstriking weapon may choose this new archetype.

Partnered Magus (Archetype)

Particular magi prefer not to get their hands dirty with their spellcasting but still enjoy the array of combat options a spellstrike gives them. Thus, they enlist the aid of their familiars to strike in melee on their behalf.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: You are proficient with simple weapons only. However, your armor proficiency remains unchanged from the base magus.

Familiar (Ex): You gain a familiar at 2nd level, using your magus level as your effective wizard level. The familiar follows the same rules as those presented in the wizard’s arcane bond feature. This ability replaces spellstrike.

Familiar Strike (Su): As a standard action, you can use your free hand to transfer a touch spell to your familiar. The familiar must then deliver the touch spell on the round it receives the spell. This does not interfere with the touch spell given to a familiar with deliver touch spells—the familiar can hold the charge on that touch spell or discharge it simultaneously. This ability replaces the 3rd-level magus arcana.

Improved Familiar (Ex): Beginning at 6th level, you add this feat to the list of magus arcana.

Craft Companion Replica (Su): By 13th level, you have become attuned to your partner familiar. If you possess the Craft Wondrous Item feat, you may create a companion replica for half the cost. (A character without the feat may create the item for 7,000 gp.) This replaces the heavy armor ability.

Spells: You add the following spells to your spell list: shield other (familiar only, 2nd), shrink item (3rd), statue (5th).

Magus Arcana: The following magus arcana complement this archetype: close range, empower magic, and maximized magic. Each of these arcana may be applied to spells used in familiar strike.


Ninjas with a strong interest in poisoning foes may choose this alternate class ability.

Poison Mastery (Ex): At 3rd level, you have studied a particular type of foe and learned how to craft poisons to more effectively harm creatures of that type. You may choose any creature type (and subtype) from the ranger’s list of favored enemies but limited to those of type animal, dragon, fey, humanoid, magical beast, and monstrous humanoid. The poison’s DC increases by 2 against that type of creature, and it increases by 2 every 3 levels. At 12th level, you may choose another creature type to which you apply your mastery, starting with a +2 bonus to the poison’s DC and adding another +2 bonus every 3 levels. This ability replaces no trace.


A samurai (or cavalier of the order of the dragon) may choose to use the emblem of the dragon on his or her banner. A cavalier or samurai of the order of the drake may choose a drake-themed banner.

Dragon Banner (Ex): At 5th level, your banner, which features a fearsome dragon, inspires greater ferocity in your allies and companions. As long as the banner is clearly visible, all allies within 60 ft. receive a +2 morale bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize opponents and a +1 morale bonus to CMB to sunder items. Every 5 levels thereafter, the banner’s bonuses increase by +1. The banner, which must be at least Small or larger, must be carried or displayed by you or your mount to operate. This ability replaces banner.

Greater Dragon Banner (Ex): At 14th level, your banner drives your allies into a frenzy. Each ally within 60 ft. benefits from the Diehard feat. Additionally, while displaying your banner, you can spend a standard action to wave the banner through the air. This grants all allies within 60 ft. the benefits of the Improved Sunder feat until the beginning of your next turn. You may spend a standard action each round to extend the duration. An ally may only benefit from this ability once per day. This ability replaces greater banner.

Drake Banner (Ex): At 5th level, your banner inspires confidence in your allies with the belief they have luck on their side. As long as the banner is clearly visible, all allies in 60-ft. radius receive a +1 luck bonus to AC. Every 5 levels thereafter, the banner’s bonuses increase by +1. The banner must be at least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed by you or your mount to operate. This ability replaces banner.

Greater Drake Banner (Ex): At 14th level, your banner drives your allies and companions to nearly reckless abandon as they trust in the luck the banner provides. All allies within 60 ft. enjoy the benefits of the Mobility feat. Additionally, while you display your banner, you can spend a standard action to wave the banner through the air. This grants all allies within 60 ft. the benefits of the Lightning Reflexes feat until the beginning of your next turn. You may spend a standard action each round to extend the duration. An ally may only benefit from this ability once per day. This ability replaces greater banner.


A witch may choose the following alternate patron theme.

Draconic: 2nd—wingspan, 4th—tame drake, 6th—draconic reservoir, 8th—drake form I (or dragon’s breath), 10th—drake form II, 12th—drake form III (or form of the dragon I), 14th—drake form IV (or form of the dragon II), 16th—form of the dragon III, 18th—prismatic sphere.

(This post is Product Identity.)

6 thoughts on “Drake Options: Variant Class Rules”

  1. Well, yeah, Open Design does have a bit of thing for the non-core classes. Witness the whole Advanced Feats series for magus, witch, alchemist, cavalier, inquisitor, summoner, and oracle.

    I gotta say, the Magus with a drake does seem like a natural. And the cavalier seems to fit neatly with the new Draconic Orders article in KQ#18.

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