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Coming Soon: Tales of the Old Margreve

Coming Soon: Tales of the Old Margreve

The forest surrounds you, darkness filling the spaces between the massive boles, as you try to keep the path. There is a certain stillness—a slumbering immensity—just under the surface that is simultaneously inspiring and terrifying, disorienting in its primacy. But the inevitable snap of twig or wind in the leaves continues to bring you back from your frequent reveries…

Welcome to the Old Margreve!

Forests in fantasy roleplaying games are dark places, full of secrets. With this project, we bring the Old Margreve to the 5th Edition of the world’s most popular RPG. The Margreve is an ancient, enchanted forest that defends itself from those who come to cut its timber, poach its creatures, or steal its magic. Within its borders the Old Ways are strong, the word of the druids carries great weight, and griffons, dragons, and stranger creatures nest and hunt, undisturbed by humans, dwarves, or other lordlings.

Until your adventuring party shows up. Then things get really interesting!

Tales of the Old Margreve is coming to Kickstarter very soon…

3 thoughts on “Coming Soon: Tales of the Old Margreve”

  1. Is this a conversion to D&D 5E of the previous product of the same name for Pathfinder?
    Are any or all adventures of the that included?
    Is ‘Griffon Towers of the Margreve’ of Kobold Quarterly included?

    Does it have all new adventure content?

    1. This is indeed a 5E conversion of the old Pathfinder product.

      However, this will be a brand-new, full color hardcover version with a new layout, all new art, new maps, and there will be a ton of new and/or expanded material!

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