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Trapsmith: Rolling Fear and Fire Trap

Gavin’s back ached from pulling the cart up the hill. The cart was stacked high with assorted curious and sundry items. A sign proclaimed that “Gavin’s Traveling Store” was open for business. “Where were they?” Gavin wondered to himself. “I should have been hit hours ago.” Gavin sighed. He had underestimated the paranoia of bandits.

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Trapsmith: Impromptu Surprises (Part 4)

“There goes my reputation,” Gavin mused. “Renowned trapsmith caught in baroness’s boudoir.” Being spotted by the household guards had been careless. Getting cornered by those same guards in the baroness’s chambers was unforgivable. If they caught him, well, that would be his undoing. Gavin took in his surroundings: he saw a steel mirror and a

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Howling Tower: Placing Traps to Serve a Larger Purpose

The trap is a D&D icon. Classic dungeons such as Tomb of Horrors and The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan are famous for their mechanical ambushes. Traps are so central to the concept of dungeons that an entire class—the thief—was developed to deal with them (along with locked doors). In real life, of course, archaeologists have

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