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So You (Still) Want to Play in Midgard? Part Two

Now, it’s not lost on me that we’re nearing the location of The Scarlet Citadel, and if that Kickstarter had already delivered, I’m sure I’d detour there for a bit. But it hasn’t yet, so I can’t. But you might. However, sticking with what we can get our hands on now, there’s a lot of

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Midgard Ley Magic: Revisiting Ley Lines

We’ve enjoyed playing spellcasters in our favorite fantasy roleplaying game for decades. Clerics receive powers as favors from the gods while warlocks literally sell their souls to fiendish (and other) patrons, but what about arcane casters like wizards and sorcerers? Schools of magic like illusion or abjuration dictate the nature of specific spells and effects,

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Welcome to Midgard: Fey Roads of Dornig

Much of the countryside of Dornig is forbidding for the traveler. Two ancient forests dominate the land— the Arbonesse and the Tomierran—but the rest of the countryside consists of smaller but no-less-deep forests of younger vintage, high moors, and deep, tree-covered valleys. Merchant caravans lurch along ancient roads that were first laid by dwarves working

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