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Castles & Crowns: Who Rules?

Castles & Crowns: Who Rules?

This week, we sat down with our Twitch chat and rolled up a brand-new ruler from our Campaign Builder: Castles & Crowns free preview PDF.

From just a few simple tables in the preview, we rolled up a regal queen whose history is fraught with sacrifice for her people, in the name of bloodlines and magic.

Read her full story below and download the Kingdom Sheet with her details ready for you to use. We’ve even left space for you to fill in your own details to complete her kingdom with NPCs, surrounding cities, and regal details for your own game.

All Rise for the Queen!

Introducing her most Gracious Excellency of the Blood, Queen Ember Umbra Pyreheart, the Sorceress. The Pyreheart bloodline has ruled this kingdom for generations. Each ruler has taken a name and title displaying the importance of their bloodline, as the ruler is the only person permitted to use magic.

This rule is enforced not by choice, but under decades of duress from the neighboring enemy kingdom, rallied under the banner of a lion. Their Lion King, the Excellent Sovereign of the Gifted, maintains control by allowing his people to use magic freely, ensuring a power imbalance between the kingdoms. That was until recently.

Recently, Queen Pyreheart started a rebellion and enlisted her people to attack the neighboring kingdom to liberate magic for everyone. In an extended battle, Queen Pyreheart and her people fought valiantly. In a turning of the tides, they overthrew enemy forces. In the final showdown, the Queen slew the malicious Lion King—but not before she lost an eye. And in his dying breath, the Lion King cursed her so that everything she touched with her hands would turn to ash.

Now, Pyreheart’s people are free to practice magic and step into a new age of enlightenment, but at great cost to their monarch, a lifetime of isolation. No longer can she ride her loyal steed, embrace a lover, or even touch the royal crown to put on her head. All she knows now is ash and the deprivation of touch. This situation slowly rots the Queen’s mind and kind heart. Some among her confidants question whether the liberation of magic was worth the cost.

Download Queen Pyreheart’s Kingdom Sheet!

Get into Castles & Crowns!

Don’t forget to visit the Campaign Builder: Castles & Crowns Kickstarter campaign and back today! The best deal is at the $99 tier, which includes the Castles & Crowns hardcover, the PDF, and the Map Folio (both in print and JPG), at a discount of $55 off retail! This deal is only good for the Kickstarter, so pledge now! This offer won’t last!

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