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Cartography Contest Poll

Cartography Contest Poll

mapAttention all cartographers and fans of maps!

Kobold Press is going to have a cartography contest soon, but we want you to choose which type of map you’d prefer to see. So, here are ten ideas. Some are more focused than others, but all should be fun. Pick one, and after the poll closes on Wednesday, August 14, 2013, we’ll post contest rules and fun details.

Thank you in advance for sharing your choice with us!

[poll id=”2″]

5 thoughts on “Cartography Contest Poll”

  1. Had to go with the one I think I could use the most from the top people, the castle. This way when it comes down to the top3-5 I get 3-5 castles. Flying towers are cool and all but one needs only so many.

  2. When I saw the headline I really hoped one of the options was “City,” mainly because I’ve been drawing a bunch of city maps lately. This should be a cool contest!

  3. I *heart* this contest, but I wanted goblin lair– mainly because it left so many options. Why must the internet hate on me so? *pout*

    Towers and castles I can steal from wikipedia in spades, but a good lair is worth money! ;)

    Who am I kidding? I’ll greedily take whatever maps you offer me. :D


  4. Morgan Boehringer

    Yay! Someone else voted for a gatehouse!!! ;) We live in hope to see a truly imaginative yet verisimiltudinous gatehouse mapped….

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