Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Introducing Players to Roleplaying Games: Interacting as a Group

You’ve introduced your group of new players to the rules of the game, and they’re excited to create their first characters. They all look through the rulebook and create a fighter, a barbarian, and two paladins. Sure, they’ve all created a character according to the rules and have even written up some personalities to make […]

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Arcane Adventures: A Curse Upon Your House

In this installment of Arcane Adventures,we look at spells that bless or curse a family line, affecting them for many generations until some condition is met. Fruit of the Twisted Line 8th-Level Conjuration (Bard, Cleric, Druid, Wizard)Casting Time: 10 hoursRange: 5 milesComponents: V, S, M (a drop of blood, hair, or fingernail from the target)Duration:

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Deep Magic: Pestilent Cleric Spells, Part 2

Death Toll 4th-Level Necromancy (Pestilent)Casting Time: 1 actionRange: SelfComponents: V, SDuration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes You conjure a shadowy bell in front of you and ring it with an ominous, ethereal tone. Any living creature within a 30-foot radius of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for the duration.

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Game for Ukraine!

Our friends Chris and Rita Birch of Modiphius started a not-for-profit, Roll vs Evil, to raise funds for various projects to help embattled Ukraine. Funds go to groups like Ukraine Evacuation and Resettlement and to volunteer groups who are helping with medical and aid supplies to those on the frontlines. When we were asked to

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Rise of the Mimic Moon: Still Greater Monstrosities

In its growing frantic desperation to recover its seedling, the mimic moon fashions greater servants of its cosmic will. These more powerful mimics typically arrive 1d6 days into the cataclysm, after 6–24 waves of lesser mimics spread across the landscape. Mage Mimic An arcane shapechanger, the mage mimic leads groups of mimics on ruthless hunts

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Egyptian dice (600-800 BC)

The Random Gamemaster: NPC Names

From the genesis of D&D, random lists have been used to create, inspire, and complicate games everywhere. The gamemaster is essentially keeping all the knowledge of a fabricated world inside their head along with all the relevant laws of physics and mechanics, which are transformed into a living story around the table. With that in

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The Song Undying: Low- to Mid-Level Plot Hooks

Levels 1–3 Explorers in the high mountains recently found a body partially frozen in melting ice. Well-preserved, the human is dressed in furs and carrying stone tools. He could be thousands of years old. The body was taken to the city of Zobeck—there to be examined by scholars at the Arcane Collegium—packed in ice and

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Musings from an Empty Tankard: Omens, Prophecy, and Foreshadowing

First, pick a mood or theme that suits the flow of the game. After describing that mood, use it for the basis of your prophecy. A prophecy that accurately describes the game feels more organic. It feels as if it has always been unfolding, and the PCs are only now beginning to see it. It

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Introducing Players to Roleplaying Games: Encouraging Interaction with the Game World

Making Space for Storytelling As a GM, you’ve at least partially defined the world that your campaign will take place in. Whether it’s a setting you’ve written yourself or a commercially available campaign setting, the basics will be set, but there will still be many details that offer room for expansion. Even in the most

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