Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

You Find Yourself in a Wizard’s Tower: laboratories & libraries

This time, we’re zooming in on some specific rooms in our archetypal wizard tower: laboratories and libraries. These spaces are fundamental. Nearly every wizard’s abode has one, if not both. Here, they unearth secrets, watch experiments go awry, and hoard their knowledge.

You Find Yourself in a Wizard’s Tower: laboratories & libraries Read More »

Midgard Monday: cults of the Northlands features The Frozen Accord

Diverse in their beliefs and practices, cults have emerged in every corner of Midgard. However, in a land filled with unstable environments, political conflict, and ancient mystical forces, the Northlands of Midgard is ripe for exploring the dynamics of cults in your campaigns.

Midgard Monday: cults of the Northlands features The Frozen Accord Read More »

Hungry Undead: the crimson mist feeds on blood

While the lore for many undead speak to a certain craving, there are few mechanical implications for their hunger. By adding game mechanics to these undead, the Tales of the Valiant framework offers more nuanced foes to challenge the players—but all the more so, to tell more interesting tales for their valiant heroes.

Hungry Undead: the crimson mist feeds on blood Read More »

You Find Yourself in a Wizard’s Tower: things to do when you’re trespassing

Dig into the role of magical objects as part of a wizard’s tower as an adventure setting. These adventure seeds play with common tropes and echo stories you probably know, but each is built around an item that hinges the story on it—and only in ways that matter because they’re in a wizard’s tower.

You Find Yourself in a Wizard’s Tower: things to do when you’re trespassing Read More »

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