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Alleys of Zobeck Now Available

Alleys of Zobeck Now Available

Alleys of Zobeck CoverSometimes the big book of adventures isn’t quite big enough. Sometimes a project gets a few items for the blog a little later than the editor can handle. When that happens, we know we have good stuff for a PDF supplement, and the one for Streets of Zobeck is a doozy. Yes, the mean streets just got meaner!

Alleys of Zobeck is a 17-page collection of additional NPCs, locations, and magic for urban adventure expands any city adventure or adventure path with additional NPCs, locations, and magic. It includes the Rampant Roach — possibly the vilest tavern in fantasy — plus the Lust domain for priests of a certain Red Goddess, plus … Well, complete list after the jump.

What You’ll Find in the Alleys

Alleys of Zobeck includes the Rampant Roach — possibly the vilest tavern in fantasy — plus the Lust domain and granted powers for priestesses of the Red Goddess, plus much much much more:

  • “Nothing to Declare” miniadventure
  • Vralgor Szarn’s territory, a CR 6 encounter
  • Clockwork Abomination, a new CR 5 monster
  • Infernally-possessed creature template
  • Goldscale the kobold paladin, with his Dire Weasel mount and Animal Companion stats
  • The Gutter Prophet and a barge-captain NPC

Whew, just taking a little break here in the middle of the listing, getting winded. But there’s more!

  • 5 new feats and 7 new traits for city characters
  • The Clockwork Hand magic item
  • Incantation of Memories Lost
  • New gear and the small treasures tables
  • Two locales with maps and NPCs: Ulmar’s Rare Books locale and the Rampant Roach
  • Blackeye’s Carriage
  • And more!

A great deal of adventure and recurring characters and new crunch for fans of the Streets of Zobeck adventure anthology—or a great introduction to urban adventures suitable for play anywhere!

Pick it up for just $2.95 at the Kobold Store, and let us know what you think!

5 thoughts on “Alleys of Zobeck Now Available”

  1. This has to be the biggest Open Design product supplement ever! Streets of Zobeck was packed already. But apparently lots of great crunchy stuff remained in the workshop. I’m excited that it even includes a mini-adventure. And that Inferally-possessed template intrigues me. Can’t wait to check it out!

  2. Great content, and I’m talking not only about the art! As usual, I unfortunately did not have the time to follow the project during the creation process, so I don’t know what didn’t make it into the final product. But I hope that from what was left behind in the workshop, as much as possible will be turned into supplements, add-ons or even future products. This stuff is just too god to be left behind gathering virtual dust.

    Can’t wait for the next Open Design Project! (c:

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