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Advanced Ooze Subschool Options

Advanced Ooze Subschool Options

Cover Art for KQ20The greatest of the ooze magicians transform themselves into vast and horrible slimes and jellies. They do this to destroy their foes and commune with dark, unknowable intelligences deep within the earth.

Here are two spells of great horror and power for your reading pleasure. Ooze shape III is a bonus spell for the ooze bloodline, but was accidentally omitted by the author from Kobold Quarterly #20. My apologies to the slimy sorcerers of the deeps, and enjoy the dark magic!

Ooze Shape III

School transmutation (ooze, polymorph) Level alchemist 8, druid 8, sor/wiz 8, witch 8
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a piece of the ooze you wish to replicate)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min./level

This spell functions as ooze shape I and also allows you to assume the form of a Huge creature of the ooze type. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: acid, paralysis, transparent, engulf, corrosion, split, suction, absorb flesh, reactive strike, maddening cacophony, and engulf. If the creature has climb or swim, you gain that movement at the creature’s movement rate (max 40 ft.). You don’t gain full immunity to mind-affecting effects, but you do gain a +6 resistance bonus on all saving throws against such effects. You gain blindsight and are not vulnerable to flanking or sneak attack.

Split divides the caster into two similar jellies or oozes, each with half of the character’s hit points. One contains the caster’s intelligence. The other is mindless, though does not attack other creatures with the ooze type. When the spell ends, any other oozes created in this way disappear, and the remaining hit points return to the caster.

A caster who takes the form of a Huge ooze gains a +8 size bonus to Strength, a -2 penalty to Dexterity, a +4 size bonus to Constitution, and a +6 natural armor bonus.

Ooze Shape IV

School transmutation (ooze, polymorph) Level alchemist 9, druid 9, sor/wiz 9, witch 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a piece of the ooze you wish to replicate)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min./level

This spell functions as ooze shape I and also allows you to assume the form of a Gargantuan creature of the ooze type. You gain all powers of the form you assume. If the creature has climb or swim, you gain that movement at the creature’s movement rate (max 60 ft.). You don’t gain full immunity to mind-affecting effects, but you do gain a +8 resistance bonus on all saving throws against such effects. You gain blindsight and are not vulnerable to flanking or sneak attack.

Split divides the caster into two similar jellies or oozes, each with half of the character’s hit points. One contains the caster’s intelligence. The other is mindless, though does not attack other creatures with the ooze type. When the spell ends, any other oozes created in this way disappear, and the remaining hit points return to the caster.

A caster who takes the form of a Gargantuan ooze gains a +12 size bonus to Strength, a -4 penalty to Dexterity, a +8 size bonus to Constitution, and a +8 natural armor bonus.

(This post is Product Identity.)

5 thoughts on “Advanced Ooze Subschool Options”

  1. Idea for 17th-level evil NPC wizard that transforms into a carnivorous blob just when things look grimmest just popped into my head… my players will die horribly! Yay!

  2. Great job, but there is some minors errors in the level of these spells. There is no spell level above 6 for Alchemist ;-)

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