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Opportunities to spend your loot in Redtower!

Opportunities to spend your loot in Redtower!

So your players survived their first forays into the Scarlet Citadel megadungeon (or any dungeon you want to run with a town nearby). They are laden with spoils and loot. What now? What will the PCs spend their newfound wealth on? How will they prepare for their next delve into the scarlet dark?

Here are a few new shops and simple items for your PCs to spend their hard-earned gold on. If new weapons and armor are desired, direct them to Redtower’s smithy. For thirst-quenching libations, Sweet Sap Brewery is the ticket. And if anyone is in need of a touch primordial, look toward the Temple of the Twin Gods Yarila and Porevit.

What you will find here offers several new options to be found at each of these locations in the village of Redtower—or the village in your own campaign!

Agniezka’s Smithy

As Redtower’s resident smithy, Agniezka typically handles the forging of hardware, horseshoes, and carriage repairs; she doesn’t keep weapons or armor on hand for sale. But as a veteran of the ongoing conflict between the Magdar Kingdom and the Mharoti Empire, Agniezka does know how to forge weapons and armor and is eager to make such things again.

Forging Weapons and Armor. Commissioning Agniezka for a metal weapon or armor takes 1 workweek of downtime and costs an additional 5 gp (the smithy does need to be profitable after all). If the PCs desire a wooden, leather, or hide weapon or armor, Agniezka directs them to speak with Witek the furrier and tanner who works at the same commission rate if Agniezka’s name is mentioned.

Development. Once the PCs return from a foray that breaches the Dwarven Barracks area of the Scarlet Citadel, Agniezka approaches them with a proposition. The smith offers to make +1 weapons and armor if the PCs provide the materials and payment for it.

Forging Enchanted Weapons and Armor. To commission Agniezka for a +1 weapon or armor requires the desired item along with a gemstone worth 500 gp (such as a diamond, emerald, ruby, or sapphire), a scroll of magic weapon for a weapon or ammunition or a scroll of mage armor for armor or a shield, an additional 750 gp, and 1 workweek of downtime.

Sweet Sap Brewery

Halfling owned and proud of it, Sweet Sap Brewery is welcome institution in Redtower, supplying lumber-workers, farmers and orchardists, and all locals with a small but potent variety of ales, meads, and hard ciders. While most of their offerings are simply delicious and thirst quenching (such as their Granny Smitzen’s Ye Olde Harde Cidere, Angry Owlbear Hefeweizen, or their extra boozy Scarlet Cyser red apple mead) the kind riverfolk at Sweet Sap have worked up on a few punchy new beverages they hope will appeal to adventurers attempting the Scarlet Citadel.

New Magic Items

Add the following specialty consumables to your game to drive up drinkability and keep encounters refreshing.


Potion, Common                        5 gp

This strong, dark beer is aged at least a year before it is tapped and served. When you consume this potion you gain advantage on CHA checks for the next 10 minutes. However, you become drunk for 1d4 + 1 hours. While drunk, you are poisoned and emit uncontrollably loud belches. Once per hour you can make a DC 15 CON save. If you succeed, you emit a final, enormous belch that can be heard from 300 feet away and are no longer poisoned. This potion has no effect on Constructs or Undead.


Potion, Common                        10 gp

When you consume this potion you gain 10 temporary hit points and have advantage on CON saves against disease until your next long rest. However, you are drunk for 1d4 + 1 hours. While drunk, you are poisoned. Once per hour you can make a DC 17 CON save. If you succeed, you are no longer poisoned. This potion has no effect on Constructs or Undead.


Potion, Common                        10 gp

This full-bodied beer is sweetened with the previous winter’s birch syrup and allowed to ferment from the spring month of Sowing until the final days of Harvest Tide in autumn. When you consume this potion, you have advantage on CON saves to concentrate on spells until your next long rest. However you are drunk for 1d6 + 1 hours. While drunk, you are poisoned. Once per hour you can make a DC 17 CON save. If you succeed, you are no longer poisoned. This potion has no effect on Constructs or Undead.

Yarila and Porevit Temple

The temple to the elven gods Yarila and Porevit outside Redtower is as much a refuge for the naturally-attuned as it is a place of worship. Also called White Woods Lodge by residents of the nearby village, the forest temple can be a boon for people who decline to offer piety in Redtower’s church to Rava. The four alseid druids that maintain the temple, Synnana, Bellenor, Ammanis, and Kashyna, offer their services at a lesser cost than Redtower’s Ravanite priestess but with a catch.

Bartering Services. Ammanis and Kashyna are avid brewers at the temple and are willing to barter their wares. They sell potions of healing at cost, spell scrolls like speak with animals, jump, longstrider, barkskin, and lesser restoration at 75 gp per spell circle, and some other basic poisons harvested from local fauna and flora that cost 125 gp per level of rarity. The druids refresh their inventory at the beginning of each week.

Spell Services. All four druids are well versed in healing and divination magic, though only archdruid Synnana is capable of 5th-circle spells. Spell services at the Yarila and Porevit Temple costs just 35 gp per spell level but requires sacrificing a trinket on the temple’s altar to the Twin Gods. If no sacrifice is made, then spell services cost twice as much.

**The reincarnate spell service is exceptionally discounted here for two reasons. First, the druids craft their own oils and ointments required for the spell and don’t need to source them elsewhere. Second, to bring someone dead into a new body, the druids require the dead character’s closest companions to sacrifice something meaningful to both them and the deceased to lure the dead back to life.

Example Spell Services
ServiceCostTimes Per Day
goodberry35 gp16
speak with animals35 gp16
animal messenger35 gp6
darkvision70 gp6
locate animals or plants, locate objects70 gp6
water breathing105 gp2
reincarnate500 gp**1
tree stride250 gp1

Need More Magic Items?

Want to add more variety to your campaign’s for-sale offerings? Try Vault of Magic. Magic items like black and white daggers and bezoars, sourced from Vault of Magic are already featured in the Scarlet Citadel campaign. While other offerings certainly fit in higher magic campaigns.

The Cage and Sweet Sap Brewery are great locations to introduce specialty consumables like dire bacon, honeyed halfheart, and scarlet mead to hungry PCs while potions like ash of the ebon birch, draught of the black owl, and verdant elixir among others are all within the local clerics’ and druids’ brewing wheelhouse.

about Sebastian Rombach

We can neither confirm nor deny that Sebastian is actually three raccoons in a trenchcoat. His freelance contributions can be found in Tome of Beasts 2, Tome of Heroes, and more. You can roll dice with him at https://startplaying.games/gm/dontbreakthedm or follow him on Twitter and Instagram @dontbreakthedm.

2 thoughts on “Opportunities to spend your loot in Redtower!”

  1. What I like most is the creativity in the design of the shops, services and special items in Redtower. Like the Agniezka blacksmith with the ability to forge magical weapons and armor, or the Sweet Sap Brewery with beers and spirits with interesting side effects.

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