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Watch Scouting Party: Heroes of the Labyrinth!

Watch Scouting Party: Heroes of the Labyrinth!

We’re in the final week of the Enter the Labyrinth Kickstarter campaign, and we’re thrilled to announce that we’re releasing our final Scouting Party episode this Friday, October at 12:00 pm EST!

In this episode, we’re going behind the scenes to take a closer look at the character options in the Enter the Labyrinth Kickstarter. Thanks to our dedicated backers, we’ve unlocked stretch goals adding new subclasses, lineages, and heritages for players to choose from.

Join us as Labyrinth Worldbook writers, Celeste Conowitch and Richard Green, discuss subclasses and the vehicles used to traverse the Labyrinth, and how all of the character options in the book reflect the different factions and the diverse survival strategies within the Labyrinth.

There are a lot of mechanics that invite PCs to get involved in the world, and we’ve made sure to provide ample support for those stories to reflect in gameplay.

Tune in this Friday, and thank you for your support throughout this Kickstarter campaign. We couldn’t have done it without you!


And, back the Labyrinth Kickstarter today!

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