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The Random GM: the Quick Work table to create an NPC gnome

The Random GM: the Quick Work table to create an NPC gnome

Love ’em or hate ’em, gnomes are a classic part of the D&D experience. Unless you go out of your way to exclude them, they’re in most campaign settings, even Midgard.

In modern RPGs, gnomes have taken on a more playful, some might say, wackier tone. you might be able to pop a human name off the top of your head, but a silly gnome name in the heat of the moment might be more challenging.

Fret not! Roll 4d20 and consult the Quick-Work Gnome table. You’ll make quick work of finding a name or two or three for your background gnome, their non-adventuring job, and some character hook that you can play up—all in the time it takes for your players to get nervous about why you’re rolling d20s behind the screen. You can also just pick something; no one’s watching. Just make it something you like.

Then you can get on to hamming it up playing the goofiest gnome of your GMing career.

Quick-Work Gnome

d20Given NameAnother NameJob/roleCharacteristic
1BubsChubstubsApprenticeSmokes a two-bowl pipe
2AckwickCogserviceCobblerKeeps money in a tall hat
3JaffeTankersleyGem cutterCovets all gems
4QuorthwithJonkLocksmithCollects rubies
5HabnerDayzleShop clerkPlays rhyming games with the least playful PC
6ZooligongJocularsScribeGenerous with time and money
7SamhandleQuirkclockJewelerHas a pet badger named “Reddy”
8KeysiferZommistMoneylenderUses a shovel as a walking stick
9AxelJunkerestHealerObsessive trader
10HerumannRumblewrenchGuardLooking for a group to adventurers to run away with
11GearySundialCooperWears tall boots to jack up height
12SmarbleTinkertopMerchantCarries 50 feet of rope everywhere
13DinkleClackalackBlacksmithPeers into every hole
14LenseyMobblepopTinkerAlways has a light on
15TickerClatterattleAstrologerLikes a good challenge
16AmryHexagonyAlchemistPerfect pitch
17WafflesFiddlefingersMinerKnows all the local fauna
18FlippCashanaxClockwork makerTalks fast
19JillbobSpringwhistleAnimal handlerPlays drums on everything
20MinkyBumpwhackLibrarianVery traditional

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