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My Hero Contest: Finalists

My Hero Contest: Finalists

You told us about your characters!

What a blast. Thank you all for submitting to our My Hero contest. It was a ton of fun to read all your characters (whether PC or NPC) and throw them all in the virtual fight machines of our minds to duke it out. Ultimately, five stood victorious, surviving the Kobold judges’ first round…

And congratulations to those five finalists: Scott Dillin, Jeremy Young, Rilke Crane, Anna Baltayan, and Neil Palmquist! Your characters have all survived to battle before the world as the finalists.

So now, the public gets to decide who wins. Below is a poll where you should choose your most favorite-est character from the list of five. You only have through next Wednesday (March 6, 2019) to vote.

  • Drabmorton Rattleshirt: This friendly charm-clad gnomish necromancer spent his family fortune purchasing indulgences from religious orders to permit lawful reanimating of evildoers for good. (from Scott Dillin)
  • Drogas Greycastle: Half-orc paladin of Lathander. Intended to avenge his fallen wife, instead saved the world. His teenage daughter’s a blood hunter – it’s complicated. (from Jeremy Young)
  • The Librarian: A skittish Flameskull, impatiently utilizing a clockwork frame to locate information in his lost library. Hopes to one day be visited by Mephistopheles. (from Rilke Crane)
  • Vola: A half-orc life cleric who charges you gold for healing. Is she greedy? Or is she sending the money to her thirteen siblings. (from Anna Baltayan)
  • Lady Ambassador Sariel Firehair: Half-elf warlock of Queen Titania. Tolerated at court in case Titania really exists.  At night, burgles the rich for thrills. (from Neil Palmquist)


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