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Monday Monster: The 4E Maenad

Monday Monster: The 4E Maenad

The foes appear to be tall, well toned humans with flecks of living crystal in their skin. The warriors are clad in scale and wield cruel flails. Behind them stands a lightly armored woman. Though not as physically imposing, you can tell from the glint in her eyes that she is far more dangerous than her companions.

Kobold Quarterly #9 gives you both 3E/OGL and 4th Edition details for maenads as player character race, but why should players have all the fun? Maenads come from a monstrous history, so: The 4E take on the maenad warriors and maenad wilders after the jump. [More…]

Maenad Warrior Level 3 Soldier

Medium natural humanoid (maenad) XP 150
Initiative +2 Senses Perception +1;
HP 47; Bloodied 23
AC 20; Fortitude 16; Reflex 14; Will 15;
Speed 6

[MB] Flail (standard; at-will)
+10 vs. AC; 1d10+3 damage and target is marked until the end of maenad warrior’s next turn..
[M] Leg Sweep (standard; recharge [5] [6])
+8 vs. Reflex; target is knocked prone and maenad warrior makes a flail attack as a free action.

Alignment Unaligned Languages common, maenad
Skills Athletics +9, Intimidate +8
Str 16 (+4) Dex 13 (+2) Wis 10 (+1)
Con 15 (+3) Int 11 (+1) Cha 15 (+3)
Equipment Scale armor, heavy shield, flail.

Maenad Wilder Level 4 Artillery

Medium natural humanoid (maenad) XP 175
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +3;
HP 46; Bloodied 23
AC 16; Fortitude 17; Reflex 15; Will 18;
Speed 6

[MB] Flail (standard; at-will)
+5 vs. AC; 1d10 damage.
[R] Mind Thrust (standard; at-will) ★ Psychic
+9 vs. Will; 1d10+4 psychic damage.
[R] Wild Surge (standard; recharge [6]) [star] Psychic
Ranged 10; +10 vs. Will; 2d10+4 damage and target is dazed until the end of maenad wilder’s next turn. Miss: Maenad wilder is dazed until the end of its next turn.
[C] Primal Scream (standard; daily) ★ Thunder
Close blast 3; +7 vs. Fortitude; 2d6+4 thunder damage and target is dazed and deafened (save ends both). Miss: half damage and target is deafened until the end of maenad warrior’s next turn.

Alignment Unaligned Languages common, maenad
Skills Athletics +9, Intimidate +8
Str 11 (+2) Dex 12 (+3) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 16 (+5) Int 13 (+3) Cha 18 (+6)
Equipment Leather armor, flail, crystal

For more information on making maenads playable 4th Edition and Pathfinder PCs, see Kobold Quarterly issue #9.

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