It’s Midgard Monday! Each week, we visit a corner of the wide world of Midgard. Look for standalone content you can drop into your campaign—whether it’s in Midgard or your own homebrew. Find new inspiration each Midgard Monday!
Diverse in their beliefs and practices, cults have emerged in every corner of Midgard. However, in a land filled with unstable environments, political conflict, and ancient mystical forces, the Northlands of Midgard is ripe for exploring the dynamics of cults in your campaign.
Exposed to extreme environmental conditions, community isolation, and otherworldly forces, the Northlands provide a breeding ground for devoted followers and eccentric leaders offering an array of storytelling possibilities.
For the follower, there is a straightforward truth about cults. You become part of something bigger than yourself. For the people of the Northlands facing the loneliness and nihilism brought on by uncontrollable forces, a cult can offer purpose and community in a frigid land. As communities that fervently worship an object, person, or concept above all else, cults have the power to transform people’s lives. This makes the people of the Northlands easy targets for any would-be leader.
Certain elements lie at the foundation of any cults. While the specific flavor of each cult may differ, they share a core set of ingredients. Without these elements, a cult would be like any other faction.
- Core Beliefs/Obsessions
- Charismatic/Inspiring Figurehead
- Hopeless/Desperate Group of People
- Recruitment and Preservation Tactics
- Rites/Rituals and Shared Activities
The order in which these elements come together shapes a cult’s unique aspects, regardless of intentions. This means that not all cults are made equal. And not all of them deserve extermination. While fantasy gaming often depicts cults as maniacal doombringers (such as the infamous Cult of Ragnarök in the Northlands), not all cults are centered on apocalyptic themes. Here’s a Northlands cult that you can incorporate into your game, providing a fresh perspective on what “cult activity” looks like in the Northlands.
The Muses of Melody
This accidental cult emerged from a ditty that spiraled into a musical religious movement. At the center is The Harmonist, a charismatic bard whose uninspired melody was misinterpreted as a divine prophecy. This ignition of devotion transformed a fictional sing-along into a sacred hymn and his music became an instrument of indoctrination.
As the cult’s influence grows, it becomes a force of both inspiration and chaos. The Harmonist has found the fame he yearned for but with the added complexities of faith, art, and the responsibilities of unplanned leadership. Will he be remembered as a misguided bard who inadvertently started a cult, or will he transform into a prophet who uses his influence to unite and uplift? The balance between artistic expression and the heavy mantle of belief hangs in the balance.
The origins of the Muses of Melody are completely unintentional. Rising out of the inspiration of music and the misinterpretation of a song. The turning point occurred when happenings in the Northlands began to mirror the Harmonist’s mediocre ballad. Common folk who had previously heard his song started to draw their own connections, interpreting it as a prophetic message. Eager to find answers to the unexplainable and hope amid frigid conditions, followers took what they needed from the bard’s lyrics, believing that the melody contained a divine essence capable of revealing hidden truths about their existence and future. As a result, they developed a doctrine that elevated his song to the status of prophecy and him to that of a prophet. Things have since spiraled out of control as the followers continue to embellish the idea of the Harmonist’s abilities. Now regarded as more than just a prophet, his music is also said to have healing powers. Though this is nothing more than the placebo effect, the cult’s new motto, “A moment of harmony,” reflects their feelings of happiness and joy experienced from listening to and singing The Ballad of Hearth and Havoc.
Once upon a time, a bard named Fenric Strum traveled from corner to corner of Midgard, hoping to inspire the masses with his music and become famous. No one knew his name, and his music was unmemorable. Burdened with a broken heart, gambling debt, and a deep love of mead, he set off to the one place colder than the musician’s path—the Northlands.
There, he found only bitter snow, cold steel, and frigid hearts. One night in a tavern just outside of Amberhall, Fenric vowed to give up the life of a bard—after he played one last song. In a drunken stupor, he performed a satirical song that would change his future and improvised The Ballad of Hearth and Havoc. To his surprise, the song was immensely popular. The hall came to life with singing and good cheer, and he performed it three more times that night. He even walked away with a few silver pieces for his efforts.
Within weeks, his one-hit wonder was on the lips of commoners seemingly throughout the Northlands! His face became widely recognized. People asked for autographs and performances, and one young woman even fainted from excitement when he walked into a room.
As the fan frenzy grew, it became unsafe for Fenric to remain so accessible, so he took to hiding in a cave between Jarrgard and Amberhall. His most devoted fans followed him there, leaving their lives behind, and labeling themselves his Muses.
Since then, Fenric Strum has undergone a dramatic transformation from struggling bard to revered cult figurehead. Trials along the way have shaped his character for the better and given him a sense of purpose. Now he finds himself at the center of both adoration and scrutiny. While he relishes the fame that had previously eluded him, he grapples with the weight of the truth—he’s no prophet, and his song was a drunken joke. The expectations he feels from his followers have made a chasm between his artistic desires and the responsibility he feels for those who found hope in his lyrics. Fenric feels increasingly responsible for the warped dogma people are making out of his ditty, and his plan is to get real divine power to fulfill his followers’ faith.
The cult’s practices and activities have evolved alongside the growing fervor surrounding The Harmonist. Followers participate in large sing-alongs that have turned into rituals. Followers attempt to use cave acoustics for self-healing and dance naked in the snow as a demonstration of their devotion.
The most devoted participants believe they are responsible for spreading the song, often composing new interpretations of the sacred melody to share with nearby settlements. None of this was initiated by Fenric, but it has become standard practice without him. Fenric wavers between feeling like a fraud or grappling with being the real thing accidentally, like many chosen ones are. He continues to act the part until he can figure out how to gain genuine divine power.
Religious skeptics consider the cult a threat. Some devout members of other faiths warn of its potential for manipulation and blasphemy against the gods. They challenge the Muses of Melody teachings and question the legitimacy of The Harmonist as a prophet. Many clerics and priests seek to expose the cult’s vulnerabilities and dismantle this dangerous movement.
Meanwhile, to everyone’s dismay, some followers take the Muse’s message to extreme levels and push radical interpretations. Disharmony spreads among the religious factions of the Northland, seeding power struggles and disenchantment and more hardline splinter groups.
In Your Game
The Muses of Melody presents a vibrant, controversial cult in the Northlands. Fenric struggles between his newfound fame and his desire for authenticity. This creates opportunities for moral dilemmas, as his façade is fragile without genuine divine abilities. Players navigate the fallout from misguided faith (or perhaps the birth of a new one), exploring themes of belief and manipulation. These elements ultimately change the political landscape of the region and may affect the course of your story.
This section outlines the cult uses the faction description block, as described in the Tales of the Valiant Game Master’s Guide.
Tiers: 1–3
Values: Connection, creativity, harmony
Goals: Spread the prophecy brought forth by The Harmonist and the truth behind The Ballad of Hearth and Havoc.
Motto: “A Moment of Harmony.”
Membership: Believe in the message of the Ballad.
Background and Notes: This cult arises out of the inspiration of music and the misinterpretation of a new song, The Ballad of Hearth and Havoc. The turning point occurred when events in the Northlands began to serendipitously mirror the ballad’s lyrics, which Fenric Strum made up. Now considered either an idol and prophet, Fenric continues to propagate perhaps well-intentioned falsehoods among his followers until he figures out how to gain genuine divine power.
Adventure Hooks
Here are rumors to help your players get pulled into the machination of the Muses:
- Reports surface that several prominent Muse cult members have mysteriously vanished. PC must investigate these disappearances, which may uncover deeper cult secrets or rival factions trying to exploit the situation.
- A rival group seeks to sabotage the cult by kidnapping The Harmonist. Players must navigate the treacherous waters of subterfuge to seek the truth before The Harmonist goes missing and his Muses retaliate with violence.
- A local priestess has requested that the PCs go undercover inside the Muses of Melody to scout the cult’s activities and bring proof that The Harmonist is a fraud.
- Fenric is growing desperate and wants to obtain the power of a god. He seeks mercenaries to recover a powerful lost artifact in Vargrike and bring it to him. He will pay handsomely.
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I love the Midgard Northlands content. Keep it coming. 😊
Love this Dot! Thank you for some great lore!
Awesome ideas and content as always. Midgard Mondays are a highlight of my week!