Are you going to Gen Con 2013? Want to run a session of Midgard and show folks just how much awesome the kobolds can pack into 4 hours?
Please email Ben McFarland ([email protected]) if you’re interested in running Midgard adventures at the convention. (Today would be best, but soon will work, too!)
Hope to see you in Indianapolis from August 15-18th!
They are the holy days of our people, and the planning is underway. We will quaff beverages, roll dice, swap stories, and laugh with gusto. (Like Paizocon, but with more beverages—really, more everything!) A number of Midgard scenarios are rolling out at the show, plus some exciting, new material. You could run an adventure from out of the upcoming Midgard Tales collection!
Come get your game on, and help us rock out the Best Four Days of Gaming!
I am so looking forward to Gen Con this year. Email sent; would love to run a game for the kobolds.
The Mrs. and I will be there, but not GMing. However I could see signing up for a Midgard game if we have the time.
See you there!
Old Man