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Lost Magic: Revive Lost Tome

Lost Magic: Revive Lost Tome

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Revive Lost Tome

School Necromancy (language dependent); Level cleric/oracle 4, wizard/sorcerer 4, inquisitor 4, bard 4

Casting Time 10 minutes

Components V, S, F (scrap of parchment with name of tome)

Range Personal

Effect Summons a ghostly tome or parchment

Duration 1 hour/level or special see text

Saving Throw *See text Spell Resistance no

You call forth an ethereal tome or parchment that has no living copy and that you either know the proper name of or an adequate description of (may require Knowledge check.) This can be used to summon a lost or damaged spell book, but if the summoned tome is used to memorize a spell, the duration of the spell ends and discharges a negative energy burst equal to 1d6/level of the spell memorized (DC is same as if channeled by caster, Fort save for 1/2 damage.) Illustrations, maps, schematics, and architectural plans may be summoned provided they have text. Any text summoned will be as written the day it was completed, thus the caster must be able to read the language in which the text is written. If a copy of the text exists on the Prime Material Plane, the caster will be aware of it as though they had cast a locate object spell in place of the normal effect.

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