Kobolds at NorWesCon 33

Kobolds at NorWesCon 33

Wolfgang Baur has been invited as a panelist and speaker at NorWesCon 33, this April 1 to 4 in Seattle. The convention panels will include a number of RPG luminaries from the local game industry whose brilliance rivals that of the local favorites from Open Design, including some worthy gentlemen from Green Ronin, Paizo, and Wizards of the Coast.

We do not envy the Kobold-in-Chief’s duties as Moderator of the “What is D&D?” panel with Paizo strongman and RPG designer Jason Bulmahn, renowned WotC cage fighter Bruce R. Cordell, and the king of the swordsmen, Chris Pramas of Green Ronin. This is why they call us the “Switzerland of the Edition Wars,” apparently. Please wish our esteemed leader luck in ducking and dodging; panel details and schedule after the jump!

What is D&D?
Friday, 3:00 p.m., Evergreen 2
D&D has been through a number of editions, each of which has changed the rules and the core setting around it. In the past few years, games like Pathfinder, Castles and Crusades, and Swords & Wizardry have emerged from the OGL to offer their take on traditional, D&D fantasy gaming. What is the core of D&D; and what allows it to remain so popular despite the rise of digital games?
Wolfgang Baur (M), Jason Bulmahn, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Pramas

Underwater Ninja Tigers! (or A Friendly Discussion on Monster Design)
Friday, 4:00 p.m., Evergreen 2
What makes a truly great monster in a game? Our panelists discuss the best of the best in the gaming menagerie (or the worst of the worst, depending on your perspective), with an emphasis on the monsters themselves and not on any particular game systems statistics, and give their expert advice on how to come up with your own creations.
Erik Mona (M), Wolfgang Baur, James Jacobs

Steampunk Gaming
Friday, 9:00 p.m., Cascade 8
With the arrival of more steampunk than ever in games, what makes this genre tick? What can players and game masters expect? What companies are supporting steampunk with rules, adventures, and settings? Our panel has a very genteel and civilized round of fisticuffs about the “new” style in games.
Julie Haehn (M), Wolfgang Baur, Donna “Danicia” Prior

What Is It With Lovecraft?
Saturday, 7:00 p.m., Cascade 9
The Cthulhu Mythos has its filthy fingerprints all over Pathfinder, 4E D&D, and yes, even Call of Cthulhu RPGs, not to mention dozens of board and video games. What’s the appeal? Is it just designers and GMs who love Cthulhu? And just how ruthless do you need to be to run a lone-survivor adventure, anyway? Lessons from the fringes of sanity.
Wolfgang Baur (M), Bruce R. Cordell, James Jacobs, Mike Mearls

Putting the “R” in RPG
Saturday, 10:00 p.m., Cascade 9
Not a 13-year old gamer anymore? Wanting your games to have some more mature content? Our panelists will discuss how to successfully incorporate the “R-rated” elements of sex and/or violence into your game or campaign.
Clint Ogre Whiteside (M), Wolfgang Baur, SatyrPhil Brucato, Mickey Schulz

If you are attending, please let us know in comments, we hope to see you at the show!

5 thoughts on “Kobolds at NorWesCon 33”

  1. Wow! I would LOVE to be at the “What is D&D?” panel! Is there any chance we might get video or a transcript here on the site?

  2. ARGH!! This annoying deployment is keeping me from attending. I would love to get transcripts or some such for all the panels. Definatly hope we get one for the Underwater Ninja Tigers. I would love to hear tips on how to create better monsters.

  3. There may be some HD video of at least one of these talks. Flip video cameras are my friend.

    Transcripts of that video would require someone to volunteer to do the transcription, but if someone can do that or knows some software that does voice recognition on an MP3, I’m all for posting those items here the week of April 5 or April 12.

  4. I expect I will be too busy to provide commentary as it happens, though Twitter will surely get a workout.

    I’ll do what can between parties, martinis, and gaming groupies. :)

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