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Kobold Quarterly Wins Gen Con Indy Marketing Fellowship

Kobold Quarterly Wins Gen Con Indy Marketing Fellowship

Gen Con IndyKobold Quarterly has just been announced one of the first two recipients of a Gen Con Indy Marketing Fellowship!

To encourage and reward deeper engagement in marketing their presences at Gen Con, we are awarding marketing fellowships to carefully chosen companies that have submitted A+ level marketing plans demonstrating their preparation for attendance at Gen Con in August. Companies that are recipients of a fellowship are upgraded from a standard 100 square foot booth, to a 200 square foot endcap booth.

Congrats also to NeonCon, the other recipient!

You can read the full announcement at Gen Con Indy’s facebook page. Who’s ready for one incredible convention?

To encourage and reward deeper engagement in marketing their presences at Gen Con, we are awarding marketing fellowships to carefully chosen companies that have submitted A+ level marketing plans demonstrating their preparation for attendance at Gen Con in August. Companies that are recipients of a fellowship are upgraded from a standard 100 square foot booth, to a 200 square foot endcap booth.

12 thoughts on “Kobold Quarterly Wins Gen Con Indy Marketing Fellowship”

  1. Congrats! I just wish I could be there.

    By the way, anything equally big planned for PaizoCon this year???

  2. Yes, I do have some big plans for PaizoCon, including a new book release, panels, and maybe even special game written by an Open Design patron and run by yours truly.

    It’s going to be great, but then it’s PaizoCon. Great is what they do. :)

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