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Kobold Artistry: Venerable Jikook of Bluerock, Witness of 214 Moons

Kobold Artistry: Venerable Jikook of Bluerock, Witness of 214 Moons

Venerable JikookThe kobolds have pondered mightily since the contest ended, and now the results of the judging are in! We’re presenting each of the five finalists in the Kobold Artistry contest this week, in no particular order, so that you can vote on them at the end of the week. Voting will run for a few days, and then we’ll announce the winner.

Once again, we’d like to thank those who entered the contest! The judges had some difficult choices to make, which is a great thing to say. Keep up the great work, all you artists out there, and hopefully we’ll see much more of your work here and out in the wild.

This entry comes from James Krause, and it features Venerable Jikook of Bluerock, Witness of 214 Moons.

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